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Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

Buddy: Decentralized Application Development Automation

The project is leading platform for development automation (DevOps). The automation market is growing rapidly, its turnover will reach $ 345 billion by 2022. The purpose of Buddy is to make life easier for other software developers by automating all the routine tasks. This will give programmers the opportunity to realize their potential and allow them to focus on ideas that can turn the world around.
Buddy is a platform for development and deployment automation. It facilitates the DevOps adoption and has an open ecosystem, supporting all codes. It includes 4 main compounds: pipelines (automated software production line), sandboxes (automated disposable test and preview), version control and integrations with many scopes.
WHY Buddy ?
  • Existing products with famous customers and companies
  • Verified partnerships with market leaders: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Github & Docker
  • The fast-growing market that VC is crazy about
  • Embedded into the ecosystem of many key market players through rich integration
  • A team with high execution skills, providing high quality service to customers worldwide
  • A great team of advisers featuring the best known ICO experts
  • A 100 page white book is written in detail and well-made for non-developers to understand the value and potential of the platform
  • Starting List in MBAex Exchange
  • For End Users: More time to create, faster work delivery, simplified workflow, fraction reduction using advanced technology, eliminating boring tasks from day job -day, more confident, higher quality under cost, fewer tools needed, easy access to experts and their knowledge, access to application development innovation, quick access to services. applications, and APIs, faster feedback.
  • For App Creators: Opportunities to drive the community forward, instant access to thousands of developers, possibly to make things easier & smarter for the Community, lower shipping & app marketing costs, encourage adoption.
  • For Blockchain Community: Open, free to open-source, connect developers for better application & innovation, introduction of Blockchain to everyday developers through Buddy's cloud channel partners.
  • To Expert / Consultant / Auditor: Automated customer acquisition process, access to instant access to thousands of developers, recognition, lower cost.
  • Well designed, robust and sustainable with 15 use cases for tokens
  • Bringing together Developers, Experts with End Users under one platform for better apps
  • The influence of ownership of corporate networks with utilities and the use of powerful drives.
  • Large & Available: $ 110B
  • Growing: 25% annually, projected to be worth $ 345 billion by 2022
  • Hyped: by a medium called DevOps & Automation Revolution
  • The latest benchmark: AppDynamics from another market segment acquired by Cisco for $ 3.7 billion
  • The developer buys like a customer, but spends like a company
  • Software takes the world; every company should be a software company & Buddy automates the creation of the software.
  • GRID Automation: Infrastructure is decentralized to run unlimited automation tasks for application development.
  • DevOps Marketplace: App store for developers by developers with solutions that automate app development.
  • BlockchainOps: Development of bot automation created for Blockchain applications smarter, better & faster.
This tool is BUD. It will launch 470 million BUD Tokens for symbolic sales and think that 60,000 ETH.


Token details:
  • Symbol: BUD
  • Price: One ETH = 0.0002
  • Full token supply: Primarily 300 M BUD tokens are distributed to the BUD Token Sale. The closing value will depend on the bonuses that used to be used in the Public sale.
  • Terms: BUD Tokens that are not sold during the Public Sale will be mechanically destroyed according to the distribution plan
  • Type: ERC: 20
  • Emission rate: No further tokens will be ever made
  • Hard cap: 60,000 ETH
Token Allocation

Use of Funds:

Funds lift up during the ICO will be applied for the development and the Shared Automation GRID, the Dev Ops Market, creating Buddy open-source, and techs for Block-chain app development: D App OS, distributed Block-Chain as a Service and Block-Chain Ops.
As a florishing SAAS commerce, we also know, though, that having an enormous product is not sufficient. To make sure market success and ROI of BUD token purchasers, the ICO will finance the implementation of its go to market plan. More, we wish to be the go-to-the-for-be programmers, supported by free access to the Buddy platform (students & teachers).
For more information please visit:

AUTHORED : Blockchain based books distribution platform


WHAT IS Authored Platform

Authored Platform:

It is an application dynamic on Android and iOS. Not just working as Amazon Books, Google Books, Apress, Wiley, … and other internet distributing framework, however Authored is additionally an informal community stage that permits to distribute astounding substance from the scholars and writers of the items.
<> ATH (Authored Token) as the methods for change in the framework.
<>Distributing on Authored in a rapidly and benevolent.
<> Buying the first distribution from the creators.
<> Discourse book administration to serve the perusers who want to hear great.
<> "Mine" ATH by different exercises from rating, recording group.



You are not qualified and you are not permitted to buy ATH tokens in the event that you are a national, inhabitant or green card holder of the United States of America or a subject of Vietnam, China. To the most extreme degree allowed by the material laws, directions and principles, Wrote Platform might not be at risk for any roundabout, uncommon, coincidental, noteworthy, or on the other hand different misfortunes of any sort, in tort, contract or something else. Composed Platform neither certifications nor acknowledges obligation regarding the exactness, unwavering quality, current or culmination of this substance. People planning to put resources into the stage should look for autonomous expert guidance before following up on any of the data contained in this paper. Imminent buyers of ATH tokens ought to precisely consider and assess all dangers and vulnerabilities related with Authored Stage and their particular organizations and activities. On the off chance that any of such dangers and vulnerabilities forms into real occasions, the business, monetary condition, consequences of activities and prospects of Authored Platform could be physically and unfavorably influenced. In such cases, you may lose all or part of the estimation of ATH tokens.


Authored Platform: Is an application dynamic on Android and iOS.
✪ Copyright substance might be:
  • A book.
  • An article, logical research.
  • A short story.
  • A specialist's bit of offer.
  • An utility tip.
    gives an administration which empowers to interface distributers, journalists with the perusers who are in need to look for the valuable data. Given separation and prevalence thought about over different frameworks, Authored does not offer a paper-based book dispersion sevice. It offers an Authored-based online administration of dispersion books, concentrating profoundly on client experience and delving in arrangement of more quick witted sevices for clients in the 4.0 innovation time.
    ✪ Created utilizing the Blockchain innovation – it is the utilizing of ATH Tokens in light of ERC-20 stage as the methods for change in the framework. The buy of printing is in a snap with Visa, MasterCard or even a financial balance.
    ✪ The creators can distribute their item on Authored in a rapidly and amicable way, like making a status on interpersonal organization Facebook, Twitter, ect.
    ✪ Perusers are permitted to utilize the Authored with a pleasurable ordeal. In expansion to acquiring the first production from the creators at a sensible cost, they can likewise interface straightforwardly with the creator.
    ✪ Composed might furnish a discourse book benefit with the expect to serve the perusers who want to hear great, enthusiastic perusing voices or basically being excessively apathetic, making it impossible to peruse all alone online books because of tiredness to take a gander at them. The voices are record by creators themselves or different individuals.
    ✪ Clients can "mine" ATH straightforwardly on Authored by different exercises from rating the creators, joining the chronicle group, and so on which makes a wellspring of pay for themselves..

    Why Authored platform is unique from others project

    ✺ Clear Roadmap
    ✺ Organised Platform
    ✺ Strong managing team


✡ OCT 2017 : Idea advancement.
✡ NOV 2017 : Research to guarantee the thought application.
✡ DEC 2017 : ICO's framework advancement.
✡ APR 2018 : Completion of White Paper.
✡ MAY 2018 : Sale opening of ICO to get the store to build up and in addition build up the item.
✡ Q3 2018 : Listing Token ATH on Coinmarketcap and outer trade with focused cost of 2x – 6x.
✡ Q4 2018 : Product improvement with fundamental highlights on the Android or iOS stages.
✡ Q1 2019 : Product improvement with cutting edge highlights, coordinated charging on Blockchain stage utilizing ATH tokens.
✡ Q2 2019 : Campaign to co-work, cooperate with writers, content distributers, authors.
✡ Q3 2019 : Campaign to draw in Authored items and administrations.

Fund Alocation and Token sales

From above discussion i'm logically think that is a great project and invest on it

Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow



What is UMKA?

UMKA is a decentralized labor market. It is a proficient scheme application and a group-building manifesto based on the blockchain innovation.
UMKA is a pleasant space for cooperation amongst employers and contractual workers that offers a wide cluster of helpful devices incorporated into its system.

How does UMKA work?

The decentralized application UMKA depends on a quick Turing-finish blockchain with cheap and adaptable efficient contracts (AgileSC) alongside the Byzantine-fault-tolerant (BFT) Delegated Proof of Stake accord calculation, based on EOS.IO.
In order to make more comprehensive monetary relations between clients, UMKA presents assets for cryptocurrencies and fiat monetary forms. An asset is basically a token (or a symbol) for a currency in the UMKA blockchain upheld by the cryptocurrency balance on a client's account in his/her UMKA wallet and the fiat adjusts on the account of the UMKA body. Resources permit limiting transaction costs for clients since the stream of funds inside the platform won't be impacted by other blockchains' or banks' payments. Assets are utilized for quick work of keen contracts and financial security insurance for clients.
The stream of assets is led by means of keen contracts which at the beginning stage will work with assets of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Later on, 7 new cryptocurrencies and fiat resources will be presented.
The following currencies operations will be possible in UMKA’s system:

UMKA Blockchain:

Consensus Algorithm:

Proof of Work (PoW) is a standout amongst the most prevalent consensus algorithm utilized as a part of blockchain solutions. One of the fundamental issues of PoW is its execution: computing requires powerful equipment, the system does not scale well, and exchange affirmation takes quite a while. Proof of Stake (PoS) is a commendable other option to PoW, since it has better execution. However, in the event that enough finances are possessed by a predetermined number of individuals, we confront the danger of centralization. Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) depends on PoS and presents components of participatory democracy. DPoS lets network members choose trusted block creators called "Witnesses" who claim elite hardware. In DPoS, it is possible to make obstructs with an interim of 0.5 seconds and process more transactions in a unit of time. DPoS is likewise generally fork-proof.
The BFT-DPoS algorithm includes the Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) workman which distinguishes malevolent block makers and furthermore diminish the interim for irreversible affirmation of transactions in a block to ≈1 second. This consensus algorithm is utilized as a part of UMKA's blockchain.

Software Implementation:

The decentralized application chips away at the previously mentioned blockchain which gives it a chance to run easily utilizing the framework's assets and, if necessary, utilize more assets. The keen contracts are written in the C++ programming language, which is an universal, helpful instrument for the task.

Token Sale:

The UMK token is an ERC20 token issued on the Ethereum blockchain. UMK is a security token and an investition token. It gives its proprietor the right to seek after their venture interests.



Token Distribution:

Tokens will be distributed as follows:

Bonuses for Investors:

Bonuses are additional tokens given to the investor besides the purchased tokens as long as the investor has purchased a certain minimal amount.

Investment Distribution:

During the token sale it is planned to gather funds in the following range:
Soft cap: $1,000,000
Hard cap: $10,000,000
Funds gathered in the process of the ICO will be allocated as follows:


The UMKA service is a decentralized user-managed framework. It depends on Delegated Proof of Stake, a consensus algorithm of the blockchain.
The "UMKA Foundation" guarantees the system's activity and improvement. Agile Smart Contract containing members' information, transactions and terms thereof are recorded in the blockchain. It implies that all transaction information is open to all administration members equally, however, the corrections can be presented by an transacting Employer and a Freelancer as it were.

For more Information please visit the official links below:

Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

INS Ecosystem: High-Tech Platform for Lower Price by A Third

INS Ecosystem 3.jpg
A first ascendable blockchain-based technology platform that allows consumers to purchase groceries retail directly from producers at lower charge, with advantages. The INS has been verified by consumer invite and has accepted big help from companies: Unilever, Reckitt Benckiser, Mars, Frieslandcampina, Borjomi, and Valio. Their team has grown the scheme to accomplish this goal.
The INS builds a supportive operating type where consumers love low clear prices, producers participate for consumers and connect directly with them, and all participant that ease the completed process is adequately compensated. It is reviewed as very high for hype score, low for risk score and positive, in-depth rating.
What Is INS Ecosystem?
INS ecosystem basicly is an ecosystem of decentralized consumer supported by blockchain. the ins ecosystem will create in following with an accountable, decentralized near that secures the sustainability and the stability of long-lasting ecosystem market. Although the scheme of linking manufacturers directly to the consumers and simpling grocery distribution chain may not be the newest technology now, it is only with the blockchain advent and nearest technologies that it might be virtually implemented.
The excellent team that is developing the platform of ins plan to make it be a very high-cargo system. In time, they are reviewing many platforms as an open base to ins such as Ethereum Raiden (Eth), Tezos, Exonum, and EOS. The primary concern is on work included as follow :
• Smart contracts help
• Predictability
• Ease of Use
• Stability
The potential market especially in grocery retail for the ins ecosystem compose of billions of users, every user making orders for a year up to dozens. nowadays, hundreds of manufacturers expressed their want to be a participant in ins ecosystem. In number, we can say that seven of most largest 20 world fmcg company and over 500 business in total known interested in joining this technology platform. They are included local and worldwide companies around the world.
To knowing more about the ins ecosystem, you can read this article to learn about how they work, what they have, who is their participant and of course how to be a participant include several rules you should know.
How INS Ecosystem Work?
Here the mechanism how INS work to make the products that you will buy getting lower than in any grocery retail market you ever were known.
  1. INS build a direct connection between consumers and grocery manufacturers.
  2. They overcome the domination of retailers.
  3. Serve different smart contract for operational facilitation.
  4. By using INS token, it means you as the consumer will get rewards of the loyalty programme.
If you are feeling invited about how they work to make your products being cheaper, here the link you might be visiting for more information:
Or, you also welcoming to visit their INS Token Contract address on : 0x5b2e4a700dfbc560061e957edec8f6eeeb74a320. That address is not a deposit address so do not send your tokens into it. How about the deposit? For deposit, please use Deposit formula the platform for Token sale.
Here their INS Token allocation you might be want to know :
• 60% of contributors of token sale: early bird award mentioned in the White Paper. By join Telegram channel whitelist you will receive excellent bonuses.
• 15% of the team
• 5% for advisors, bounty, and early supporters
• 20% of reserve fund: It will be used to serve referral bonuses to new customers to increase the ecosystem development.
Nowadays, Grocery retail market more dominated by several retail chains. These phenomenon caused by :
• Bargaining power of retailer that negatively influence the manufacturers
• Few choice and high-cost burden consumers
• The Ecosystem proposes sufficient amounts to create a new active grocery retail market
After the period of Token Sale, all participant will accept an EIP20 switchable INS token on the network of Ethereum. The total number of symbols is fair to the bitcoins amount also for other cryptocurrencies joined during the periods of ICO. Once the crowdsale is completed successfully, the Tokens of INS will be transferable.
Total token distribution is 50,000,000 INS. The tokens generated exact number depends on the funds participated. No token minting, mining or creation after the over of ICO. For further information, you can read the INS Ecosystem White Paper in
Terms of INS Whitepaper
INS Whitepaper is the document writing the Tokens, Platform, the Services, and other stuff Platform related, and available on their Website (as may be changed from the time to time). In addition to learning more about INS Ecosystem, it kinda wise suggestion to you for know and understand many of terminology here cited from the white paper to further information also provide you an understanding deeply about INS Ecosystem include INS token sale. The definitions consisted elsewhere in this Agreement text, these terms, and expressions should have the ascribed of meaning here below:
• Company Parties: Company and its employees in their past, present or future, include their directors, officers, contractors, attorneys, consultants, accountants, equity holders, financial advisors, suppliers, service providers, vendors, parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, predecessors, successors, assigns and representatives.
• Company Party: preceding one as the case might be.
• Cryptocurrency: referred to Ether (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies those are the Company will receive the Tokens payment from the customers.
• Damages: Means losses, damages, liabilities, any kind expenses or costs (direct or indirect), compensatory, consequential, incidental, exemplary, actual, punitive, special, without limitation, revenues, profits, data, use, goodwill, intangible losses and any business loss.
• Ethereum: an open resource for the public, with blockchain-based technology distributed numbering platform featuring scripting smart contract functionality.
• Platform: the community as a participant-based system known in the White Paper and to be improved and positioned by manufacturer Parties.
• Refund Receiver: party, especially user or consumer that have a right to accept their refund cost as dealt before in the paper.
• Sale Launch Date: the time of date when the INS Token Sale releases.
• Sale Expiration Date: the time date when the INS Token Sale expires.
The INS Ecosystem (Well-Experienced) Team
Names bellow might be familiar to you that used to join any blockchain platform :
• Dmitry Zhulin - Founder
• Peter Fedchenkov - Founder
• Dmitry Khovratovich – Officer of Chief Crypto
• Paul Yakshankin - Officer of Chief Technical
• Eyal Hertzog – Advisor (Bancor)
• Michael Terpin – Advisor (BitAngels, Coinagenda)
• David Wachsman – Advisor (Wachsman PR)
• Moe Levin – Advisor (Keynote)
• Dr. Rawi Abdelal – Advisor (Harvard Business School)
• Prabhakar Reddy – Advisor (Accel)
• Sebastian Stupurac - Advisor (WINGS)
INS Team.jpg
As you know, The founders had a considerable experience with online grocery by working over four years of experience in the online grocery retail sector. They built a leading in a day grocery retail delivery service in Russia named Instamart.
The team consists of 35 professionals in retail companies and leading technology with previous experience. The founding of the team members since 2010 have known each other. They are supported by global-renowned investors and advisors.
The INS Ecosystem team gained practical experience and a first-hand in the grocery retail industry while growing and developing the Instamart as one of the leading grocery retail delivery manufacturers in Russia. The Instamart known employs more than 200 employees that have signed several contracts with the major retailers in the country and operated with the leading of grocery companies.
Four years of working experience in the grocery industry sector helped the team of Instamart to identify significant inefficiencies and abuses in the current industry construct. The founders see a tremendous opportunity to disrupt the global grocery retail market via establishing a decentralized and fair ecosystem that directly connects manufacturers and consumers.
You can learn more about INS Ecosystem by visit these social media link :
• INS telegram group:
• INS official twitter:
• Facebook:
• Blog:
The Roadmap of INS Ecosystem
The ultimate goal of INS Ecosystem is to build the leading decentralized market of consumer that used by vast audiences by look after a consumers thriving ecosystem willing to buy dairy products at lower cost and distributors looking to offer directly and surpass retail market chains.
The INS primary role is to improve the open resource of technology that needed for making sure that this platform is operating the decentralized INS and create a beautiful model as a solution for all the participants that joined INS platform.
INS will grow and publish well scheme website and applications for customers to apply the user point of view of the on-chain way to the smart contracts of INS and access to goods listed by companies on their platforms follow:
• Purchase items listed on their platform
• All participate in referral programs and loyalty reward
• Respond to manufacturers
• Earn and spend the tokens of INS
1 The Development of INS Platform
The first landmark is the decentralized INS Ecosystem platform implementation. The well-known team has always pleased feedback from the participant regarding the detail of the platform and designs to continually develop it to create the platform wholly fair and secure.
After the period of INS token sale, all participants will accept the EIP20 suited INS ecosystem token on the network of Ethereum. By announcing the INS release on their blockchain platform that will be decided from the new available platforms list such as the Ethereum Raiden, EOS, Tezos, and Exonum, an INS token early use to that platform will be positioned in H2 (2018).
The EIP20 suited to INS token will be switched 1-to-1 with an original INS token.
The vital part of the decentralized INS digital platform will be applied to smart contracts that set by carrying out the ability described in the Platform INS section of these documents.
2 Development Of Applications And Website Interfaces
While the first landmark concentrates on the system backend, the second marker focuses on the faced and experience of end-user. INS Ecosystem will launch the INS application, website of INS consumer.
The INS consumer website and application will be launched as open resource software on the GitHub. The application of INS fulfillment will be launched on Google Play and another relevant repository. They also will use technologies of ‘’React and React Native’’ because of since it will enable to share the codebase between website or mobile for most.
The application of this platform will include a full client based on a standard open source application that will create an opportunity for the applications to connect with the several smart contracts on the platform.
3 Developing The Ecosystem - Plan for Geographical Expansion
Within the most of the needed technology now in the world for working the INS at scale available (the platform, application of reference, commercial customer website, fulfillment application, web interfaces for distribution controlling operators and distributors), the critical focus of the platform will use to growth from development. The investment of network growth cannot wait until all improvement has been completed and will be held in parallel soon in viable versions of those goods are available for the main release.
With the broad of technology for working the INS available, INS team design to rollout for ten target big cities around the world to fast the INS adoption at the worldwide level. For those ten towns the team plan to operate and lease the centers of distribution to accelerate the INS platform by consumers and suppliers.
Moreover, they will be actively connecting intimately independent supply center owners to participate the INS, accelerating platform expansion and more enhancing the ecosystem in decentralized nature.
INS Ecosystem Overconvey the Grocery Retail Supply Chain
INS Ecosystem announced their partnership with Ambrosus. By creating this company, both of them wish can create an ecosystem platform for the distribution chain powered by blockchain, to bring transparent payment to the grocery market. The INS ecosystem project has holding to support from global and local worldwide manufacturers, with top seven of the global FMCG company interested in participating the platform.
Their new partner, Ambrosus, since years ago known as the first Blockchain big project to become the UN 10YFP official partner which takes a responsible for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementation.
With a together mission to use Blockchain-based retail technologies to over convey the grocery industry and food supply sectors, their partnership will make sure both Ambrosius and INS Ecosystem improve participated the pilot projects or main project, track quality insurance information throughout the distribution chain, and mainly nourish projects through an expertise exchange. In a connection of consumer and producers require with distribution chain platform technology, INS Ecosystem will focus on giving the solution of the actual issues within the retail industry, while their partner, Ambrosus a will provide the distribution chain IoT sensors and technical backbone.
On the INS platform, all companies will have a chance to list also sell their products to consumers directly, gain customer response and get a special reward for loyal customers. Also, the INS smart contracts will support loyalty programs. Also, Ambrosius sensor platform technology will create a chain of supply trim costs and more efficient. The INS token offers as a way to power manufacturer to the consumer directly reward programs and might be used as a payment means.
Besides making the partnership with Ambrosus, here companies the INS Ecosystem ally currently :
1 Bancor
Bancor is a decentralized liquidity connection that enables to create every ERC20 token and change it to another symbol within the network, serve for no counterparty, with an autonomously calculated cost.
2 Wings Foundation
The Wings Foundation is an organization with non-profit idea, founded & controlled by Attendants of the US Airlines Flight. The volunteers administer help to Attendants of AA Flight doing for support who are in crucial financial help need. Assistance might be allowed to those experiencing severe injury, disability or illness. It may also provide those influenced by a catastrophic event or disaster which primarily causes abroad financial hardship.
3 Wachsman PR
After founded in 2015, the Wachsman PR is the most significant public relations agency in the world that is focusing on the industry of blockchain. Wachsman PR serves any media relations need, strategic communications, corporate advisory services and brand development to many of essential companies in the payment technology, cryptocurrency-asset sectors, and digital currency.
4 Transform Group
The Transform Group is a currently kind of agency that combining public relation, thought leadership, by a build up a focus on new markets and paradigms.
5 Keynote
Keynote know as the leading of global blockchain technology and conference organizer.
6 KickICO
The INS token sale (ICO) also working on KickICO, a fundraising platform powered by KickICO. Here, they offer additional KickCoin as a bonus for each transaction.
7 NSP (Network Service Provider)
NSP is a company that provides backbone services to an ISP (Internet service provider). They are a company of web users that use most for reach or access to the Internet. Essentially, an ISP touch at a place called an IX (Internet Exchange) to a local ISP that in turn network to a backbone of NSP.
8 Etc.
By knowing and learning about what inside the INS Ecosystem, hopefully, you can enjoy what this platform offers to you as a smart digital consumer. By joining the INS Ecosystem, you can get all items provided in this platform at a lower price rather than any retail shop you ever were known. Feeling interested? Then join us!
For more information visit:
Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

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