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Kamis, 25 Oktober 2018

Gric Coin - Increasing Food Product

The Gric Coin vision is to create a decentralized open-source currency before the end of 2019, that is focused on improving agricultural practice and increase agricultural output globally with the major focus on Africa.
Agricultural in Africa
With more than 60% of its 1.166 billion people living in rural areas, Africa’s economy is inherently dependent on agriculture. More than 32% of the continent’s gross domestic product comes from the sector.
However, agricultural productivity still remains far from developed world standards. Over 90% of agriculture depends on rainfall, with no artificial irrigation aid. The techniques used to cultivate the soil are still far behind from what has been adopted in Asia and Americas, lacking not only irrigation, but also fertilisers, pesticides and access to high-yield seeds. Agriculture in Africa also experiences basic infrastructural problems such as access to markets and financing.
Singapore is proving to be an engaged ally in the process of changing this reality. Some big players in the agricultural sector with their headquarters in Singapore, are investing heavily in Africa. Technology and skills are being transferred to smallholder farmers and the large-scale producers are cooperating, playing a fair game that will help develop the sector and make it more sustainable.
Agriculture in Africa: An overview
In Africa, agriculture accounts for two thirds of livelihoods and food accounts for two thirds of the household budgets of poor people. It makes up a very important part of the lives of African people, but in spite of it, it apparently receives very little attention from the governments.
The low productivity levels of agriculture in Africa have resulted in a worrisome scenario: it does not meet the growing demand for food from urban centres. The region is increasingly dependent on food imports. For a continent with such a vast area, a booming young population and tropical climate, it is surprising that Africa is not a net exporter of agricultural products. In the 1970s, Africa provided 8% of the world’s total agricultural exports. Today this number has dropped to a negligible 2%.
Africa spent US$35bn on food imports (excluding fish) in 2011, only 5% of it related to trading within the continent. An increase in productivity, matched with the right set of policies and investment, could revert this situation. Africa could replace these imports with their own produce, which would in turn reduce poverty, enhance food and nutrition security, and provide sustainable growth to the respective societies.
How does agricultural development trigger economic growth?
Agricultural growth was the precursor to the industrial revolutions that spread across the temperate world, from England in the mid 18th century, to Japan in the late 19th century. At that time, a better understanding of the use of soil and techniques, such as irrigation, use of horsepower in the fields, and seed selection, improved crop yields. Consequently, livestock could be better fed during winter times, increasing the size of herds. These changes in agriculture made it possible to feed all the people attracted to the industrial centres as factory workers, triggering the industrial revolution and leading to higher economic growth.
More recently, we see examples of economic transformation linking better agricultural productivity to industrial growth in countries such as China, India, and Vietnam.
Talking about the development of agriculture in Africa, a platform called Gric Coin is here to answer various challenges that have yet to be resolved. This project focuses on agricultural development using blockchain technology. Using blockchain technology, Gric Coin is able to create a reliable and modern agricultural platform.
Gric Coin will improve our platform, make an application for it and make it available to investors to invest in live agricultural projects with Gric Coin, get local farmers to do hard work and repay investors their initial investment and agreed return on investment. And In the 2nd quarter of 2019, our Blockchain website should be ready for use in product verification and prevention of imitation and food fraud.
Gric Coin Features
  • Gric Website and App: Gric website and app will provide accurate and reliable information to the buyers and sellers about the food products as well as about the market conditions.
  • Quality: Our users will be able to get the genuine and standardized food products providing the best quality and value for money.
  • Trustworthy Database: Gric has a decentralized and transparent database on the immutable blockchain where the information is impossible to fraudulently modify and can be relied on over time
  • Gric Records and Reports: The information collected by Gric will be used to create transparent and reliable records that will be available for the farmers and consumers.
Why should invest in Gric coin
Good Returns
You can use your Gric coin as payment in our Utility Project and earn good returns on your investment.
Future of Agriculture
By purchasing Gric Coin, you will be investing in the future of agriculture.
A Good Step
Your purchase of Gric Coin will help create employment for hundreds of farmers that will be employed on our farm.
Continuous Return
Every year Gric Coin holders will receive 20% of the Gric Coin Project net profit which includes the Farm / block chain site, farmpartner project and the adoption project.
Token Sales
GRIC token aims to function as a convenient digital currency with limited amounts of speculative trading due to an intrinsic value derived from its steady future revenues. Therefore, GRIC token is much less likely to be subject to the same degree of price volatility which characterizes other coins/tokens in the cryptocurrency market.
GRIC tokens are used to run the GRIC platform and network. A portion of the minted GRIC tokens will be sold to the GRIC community in a public sale. Before the public sale, a pre-sale will occur.
Gric Coin (GC)
Exchange Rate:
1 GC= 0.007 USD
Currencies Accepted:
Minimum Purchase:
2500 GC
November 1 (00:00 GMT)
November 31 (23;00 GMT)
Soft Cap:
1,000,000 USD
Hard Cap:
25,000,000 USD
For more information about Gric Coin, you can send message to

Author of article:

ETHEREUM WALLET0x20972209f08119939816158a1417b6E9c11Cd010


Our Solution

AIVON believes that Internet and services on the Internet must be decentralized or else there is too much power in too few powerful hands. AIVON focuses on decentralizing and democratizing online video, giving power back to Internet users. The problem of having the power of the Internet in just a few hands is that there is little or no transparency and even if these few companies mean well, they are now so big that there are many ways to destabilize them. In 2017, both Google and Facebook faced major scandals of bad actors taking advantage of loopholes in the system. Google’s YouTube was compromised multiple times with users posting content that was malevolent creating brand and content safety controversies. Facebook faced both a fake news problem and a data breach by Cambridge Analytica. This is why AIVON is applying blockchain to content and the underlying metadata that powers content cataloging, indexing, search, discovery, trade and monetization and AIVON believes that this will be the backbone of a decentralized video open network and search engine that could act as a check and balance on FAANG and BAT
Each video object, such as a complete program or extracted clip, will be assigned a unique identifier using the Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR). The EIDR provides global unique identifiers for the entire range of audiovisual object types that are relevant to entertainment commerce.
AIVON nodes will record their metadata in JSON format anchored to the Ethereum blockchain. Most of the metadata will not be stored directly in the blockchain, but linked to it using the EIDR identifier. This is because the size of the data can be quite large, especially when you include transcripts and translations.
A ContentGraph can be visualized as a bar graph where content attributes are plotted along the horizontal axis and confidence scores plotted on the vertical axis. There will be attributes where the confidence is zero and the feature is not detected. The left-to-right ordering is reserved based on the schema, so that two or more ContentGraph patterns can be compared. Accessing attributes involves a single subscript which represents an array index (e.g. graph [6] returns the value of the 6th element — guns). The number of positions corresponding to specific attributes being recorded can increase over time, without affecting other uses of the graph.
ContentGraph has many interesting features, such as extensibility to add new content safety attributes, addressing the need to stay relevant as social norms change over time. If the AI can be trained to recognize new safety attribute in video content, the attribute can be added to ContentGraph by adding a single digit, without affecting the other attributes or earlier uses of the graph.

Online video is growing making it hard to find video content

AIVON believes the need for OVSE will be in high demand as video becomes harder to find and discover. While YouTube is viewed as a video search engine, it is really a video hosting platform and one can only find videos that users upload to YouTube, which is mostly usergenerated and long tail content. Most premium content publishers typically do not upload their premium video content to YouTube, preferring to upload to their own video site or app.

The Internet and Online Video Need Decentralization

Today, everything we do online including online video as well as web traffic, users, user data, online advertising, search and social networking is dominated by FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) or BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent) in China. Over 1.1 billion video views are watched on Google and Facebook per day. In premium online video and subscription services, Amazon and Netflix control over 69% of the 113.8 million subscribers for subscription video on demand (SVOD) services in the US and almost 60% of the $14.9 billion US SVOD revenues in 2017. If you want web traffic for your website or videos, over 70% of all Internet traffic comes from either Google or Facebook. If you want to monetize pages and videos, Google and Facebook represent 77% of all online advertising and 99.7% of all new online advertising growth. 99% of all mobile smartphones and app ecosystems are either powered by Android (Google) or iOS (Apple). FAANG and BAT have also developed and control a majority of most AI technologies and applications. It is clear that FAANG and BAT dominate our digital lives on the Internet, which means the power of the Internet is centralized in the hands of these dominant and centralized tech giants. FAANG’s combined market capitalization is over US$3.01 trillion or 27% of the total market capitalization of all companies listed on NASDAQ.

AI Node

A Neural Network is a set of algorithms with interconnecting nodes, modeled loosely after the human brain, that is designed to recognize patterns. Similar to how a child learn by mimicking the behavior of familiar persons (like parents) and applying the learning outcomes to modify its own behavior, a Neural Network “learns” to perform task by optimizing using large labeled training data sets to “minimize” the error between the output and the desired outcome.
Unfortunately, there is no “one size fits all” generalized AI algorithm or Neural Network that can perform all the tasks required. For example, the CNN optimized and trained to identify objects will be different from the CNN configured for identifying faces. Hence, we’ll need to combine various best of breed AI techniques to develop a package of Neural Network based AI software with the specific trained models to perform the following tasks:
• Visual recognition of faces, object scenes at frame level
• Visual recognition of ContentGraph attributes at frame level
• Auto speech-to-text transcription
• Auto text-to-text translation

Metadata Extraction

Source metadata is whatever information is implicit in the file. This would include file type, file size, duration, encoding method, resolution, aspect ratio, data rate, number of audio tracks, closed captions, timecodes, etc. Uploader may supply data such as titles, descriptions and locale that can provide a lot of information for indexing purposes.
#Aivon #aivonico #tokensale #AI #Blockchain #aivonio

Author of article:

ETHEREUM WALLET0x20972209f08119939816158a1417b6E9c11Cd010

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