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Rabu, 23 Januari 2019


Hello Everyone, I will introduce the project about Dominant Chain, If you would like to join the Dominant Chain project, let's look at the following review

The video game industry has always attracted attention due to the great popularity of computer games in the 21st century. For many years, psychologists, sociologists, and other scientists have tried to figure out why people play games; whether it is an addiction, and whether it can be considered as an escape from real life. Today, most people realize that the video game industry is not just entertainment, but a very promising business niche, which is now open both to professional and beginner investors.

About Dominant Chain project

Currently, the Dominant Сhain team employs 14 top-level professionals in the sphere of management, marketing, web development, applied programming, as well as professional customer support and public relations.

Dominant Сhain is a project that is developed by TornadoDevelopments. The company officially registered in Estonia. Our company consists of enthusiasts who are equally good in both cryptography and game development.

What is Dominantchain ?

When mining blocks, all masternode owners receive rewards in turns. To get a supernode you have to buy DMTC coins and install the wallet on the server and following the instructions on our website. Next, you join other system operators, help the network become more effective and start earning passive income.

You can buy a masternode and start earning passive income easily because we offer three types of masternodes. Just choose the one that’s best for your needs and budget.

The Dominant Chain team is creating an innovative blockchain platform for cyber tournament. We have a global goal to help amateur players earn with their favorite hobby. The project is relevant as a way for novice players to join the world of e-sports. The industry is developing rapidly, there are more players, spectators, tournaments, and competitions are becoming even more spectacular!


Blockchain – undeniable advantages for the cyber sports platform!

Blockchain gives security, stability and security, exactly what is needed to solve many problems in the eSports industry.

Dominant Chain provides tournament automation and decentralization of prize funds. Each individual player, organization or brand can organize their own tournament. For participants, new opportunities open up to organize competitions themselves, to collect tournaments, to create a serious prize fund. We have developed our own Dominant Сoin cryptocurrency for these goals. Since the cryptocurrency will be equally necessary for players and brands, the demand for it will constantly increase. Upon completion of the ICO, the cryptocurrency will become available on the exchange trading, which will allow recouping the investment. Blockchain technology provides scaling, thanks to the participation of a large audience of amateurs in eSports tournaments. The technology also opens up more new markets for Dominant Chain.

Why is it profitable?

Developers will conduct a limited emission of coins that will be sold to raise funds required for start-up launch and success. All non-sold coins will be destroyed. The remaining available coins will be mined together with the community.

Passive income
Coins mining is conducted equally by all community members, and as a result masternode owners will be continuously earning passive income from a promising and profitable business.

Cost Efficient
Coins emission is conducted with the help of PoS (proof of stake) algorithm. It means that blocks mining is done by using your coins only, no specialized equipment required. An ordinary computer or virtual server is enough for DMTC coins mining.

Token details

Total Supply : 2,700,000 DMTC
Soft Cap: 150 BTC
Hard Cap: 400 BTC
Token Rate: 1 DMTC = 0.00025 BTC

Allocation of collected funds

You can find out more about the platform or participate in their crowd sales through the following links:

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