Our history of communication has been amazing. Communication system has amazingly evolved with time. There was a time when you couldn't easily communicate with your friends and relatives living far away from you. You could only send them messages via a traveler who happened to be going there. Then came the portal system which made contact and communication in general easier. It was a huge step at that time. But today if you were told that you couldn't communicate with anyone except through writing down a letter and putting it into the post box for the postman to deliver it to the person you have written it for. And then you will have to wait for the person to respond to you in the same long procedure. You will feel yourself living in the stone age, right?

Well that's because of adaptation of our skills with the fast moving world. We cannot afford to stay where we are. We have to move forward for the betterment of our lives and society at large.
After the postal system, came the telephone system which was indeed a milestone in the history of communication. It made communication easier than ever before. But then, not everyone could afford it.
Well that's because of adaptation of our skills with the fast moving world. We cannot afford to stay where we are. We have to move forward for the betterment of our lives and society at large.
After the postal system, came the telephone system which was indeed a milestone in the history of communication. It made communication easier than ever before. But then, not everyone could afford it.
As the telephone system was evolving, communication system witnessed another breakthrough and that was the introduction of mobile phones. At first, only a few people could afford it. And now it is fascinating to see how time flew from them when only a few could afford it to now where it is a necessity and almost everyone can afford it.
From not knowing about your friends and relatives at all to knowing to what they do every now and then was indeed very big an achievement.
From not knowing about your friends and relatives at all to knowing to what they do every now and then was indeed very big an achievement.
Taking about the turning point of communication, it has to be accepted that communication system was revolutionized with the introduction of internet, world wide web. Here it witnessed a paradigm shift. It became easier to get knowledge of the world as traveling the world became a mere play of fingers. The news and information made available online was a huge step in the development of the people and the world.
And finally, there was the introduction of social media platforms which of course, used the internet made communication amazingly easy. One could now easily talk to people, not just in one's state but outside as well. In fact we could even talk to people across borders without any fear of money as it was way cheaper than the communication through mobile phones or telephones. This was indeed one of the biggest steps taken by the communication system. And these platforms are worth all the praise they received worldwide.
Facebook was an instant hit in the masses and everyone was using it and today it has more than a billion downloads for both its basic and messenger applications.
People couldn't think of a better and an easier way of communication than facebook, but there are many questions that one needs to ask. Has Facebook improved? Can there be an improvement to the current system?. Some among, more than a billion, users have long left the platform and so have I. The reason being that it is not getting better with time like communication in general did. It has everything to give you when you consider just communication. But then it's not free. It takes your money in the form of data that belongs to you and moreover it consumes your precious time which actually is life and doesn't pay you back anything rather it sucks every penny out of you. And if this wasn't enough, it takes all your important information, privacy, and data and shares it with the industries, mostly ad industries, or people in general without your consent and thus disrespecting your values which is the worst thing that you would want this platform to do.

But... Is there a solution to this? Is there anything that can replace Facebook? Is their anything that can value your privacy and data and make you believe that you're safe here? Is there anything that will pay you rather than taking your money from you? Well the answer is YES... for all. It's Sphere.
A platform that is not known as much as Facebook is. But surely a platform that only gives you and doesn't take from you. It's a decentralized platform that values your data and information and makes sure that it's safe and this is much more preferred than the centralized platforms. And this was the idea behind building sphere.social that data security, company transparency, and privacy privacy should be the fundamental building blocks of every social platform and it believes that the millions those corporations are making off of your data doesn't belong to them, it belongs to you. This is where I feel like Facebook is stone age now. When you have a modern age platform like Sphere you cannot stay there in stone age facebook. You will be earning back some profit for the data you paid using sphere.

Moreover Sphere has its own tokens as well, Social Activity Token, currently priced at $0.14 USD. These tokens(SAT) are used throughout the system and can be used for transactions within sphere. Some of the wallets it uses are mist, MyEtherWallet and parity. With sphere being a social media platform, it's bound to draw more crowds and then the idea of e-commerce within Sphere will make the users demand of SAT more and more which will in turn increase the value of the tokens as the demand goes higher and higher.
ICO Timeline
It's currently running the ICO(Initial Coin Offering) that started on 12th of Feb this year and is going to end it on 9th of April 2018. Anyone with a vision can participate and help build sphere. It is believed that after ICO the price of the tokens is going to shoot up to at least 4 times the current price. There are 650 million SAT's available for purchase which you can buy using some cryptocurrencies (Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dodgecoin and FIAT) as well. This is the best time to buy it as it is in the initial stage. It is predicted that the price will only be heading in a positive direction, and maybe this is the best time to invest in SAT's.
Make sure you read the whitepaper for more in depth information about sphere.