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Kamis, 22 November 2018

ERN PROJECT - Decentralized Award System for content creators, advertisers and listeners

Hello everyone in this article I will present an interesting ICO analysis, called ERN PROJECT, based on the following criteria:
The ERN platform is a revolutionary platform that will have the ability to support songs, video clips, audio clips, and podcasts to recognize others. This platform will use blockchain technology to implement a decentralized reward system for content creators, advertisers and listeners as well.
Introducing the Listern Platform - a revolutionary audio platform that supports songs, sound clips, podcasts, audio books, etc. Listern uses Blockchain technology for equal distribution of income as an award between advertisers, viewers and publishers. ListERN's audio sharing platform offers a new ecosystem that empowers viewers, advertisers and publishers to create, share and listen to audio while getting ERN tokens in the ecosystem.
Minde Pocket Miner is out of the box, a simple and straightforward device. For our superior products, we design the shape and shape to achieve simplicity while maintaining internal components. The case, which will be cobalt black, will be sturdy, stylish and functional. Our minimalist approach to design will make our projects stand out and compete with high-end handheld devices. Depending on demand, the team can come out with a limited edition metal casing.
A small device in your pocket that you can carry anywhere, can mine the ERN Token. You will earn money when using your pocket miner as a Powerbank, WIFI hotspot, or when connecting and exploring the internet. Enough to use your device as your daily lifestyle gadget. This can turn into a gadget that generates income.
A small device in your pocket that you can carry anywhere, can mine the ERN Token. You will earn money when using your pocket miner as a Powerbank, WIFI hotspot, or when connecting and exploring the internet. Enough to use your device as your daily lifestyle gadget. This can turn into a gadget that generates income.
A small device in your pocket that you can carry anywhere, can mine the ERN Token. You will earn money when using your pocket miner as a Powerbank, WIFI hotspot, or when connecting and exploring the internet. Enough to use your device as your daily lifestyle gadget. This can turn into a gadget that generates income.
A small device in your pocket that you can carry anywhere, can mine the ERN Token. You will earn money when using your pocket miner as a Powerbank, WIFI hotspot, or when connecting and exploring the internet. Enough to use your device as your daily lifestyle gadget. This can turn into a gadget that generates income.
The symbol for ERN will be released, the token will be released on the Ethereum blockchain.
The ERN can be used as a product of the Minde Pocket Miner.
The total available supply will be 1,000,000,000 ERNThe ICO will have 50% (500M ERN)The available decimal place will be 8.The price will be at $ 0.01USD (4 Liters) the ICO date will be from June-July.The Hard Cap = $ 25,000,000.The soft cap = $ 10,000,000.
Q4 2017
In partnership with the development team gathered to become the backbone of the Get project.The founder and core team determine the feasibility and opportunities for the platform and its ecosystem
Q1 2018
Recruitment of additional developers and important people.Put ideas into written WHITEPAPER and other technical and legal documentation.Proof of work concept writing in the white book for the LISTERN Platform and the Minde Miner ecosystem.Conceptualization and start the development of the LISTERN Audio Sharing Platform (ERC20) blockchain award system prototype for listening to audio files.Negotiations and partnerships with initial partners, clients, testers and investors for the ERN Project.
Q2 2018
Announcement of Airdrop, Whitelisting and Bounty programs.Finalization and issuance of white paper
MVP Releases the LISTERN Audio Sharing Plarform based blockchain award system under ERC20
> Launch of the website for Personal Sales, Pre-ICO, and CrowdsaleFor sale Private TokensPre-ICO TokenSales of Crowd Tokens
Q3 2018
Expand the team of engineers and important people
Product development for Minde MinerBlockchain architecture and design for "ERN Coin"Started the development of a LISTERN custom sound player platform that has proof-of-work technology.Began the development of the Mindé Miner mining applicationStart testing awards and earnings under the ERC20 private blockchainStart the development of the LISTERN PlatformRegistration for Coin Market CapStart specifying ERN on quality crypto exchangers
Q4 2018
Start working on migrating from ERN ERC20 to the blockchain itself. This transition will be called "Track: ERN Coin or ERN 2.0".Launch MVP wallet service ERNPay for web-based applicationsStart developing ERNPay wallet services for Android and iOSStarted developing Minde Pocket Miner applications and features.
Q1 2019
MVP release and test Track: ERN blockchain.
MVP released the blockchain based ERN Audio Player platformMVP releases Mindé Miner Prototype and the blockchain component is activatedRelease of MVP from ERN Marketplace, CMS, and voice sharing platformsActivate ad monetization through the ERN platform ecosystemExpand the team of developers and advisors
Q2 2019
Beta release and ERN blockchain test as ERN Coin (migration 1: 1)
Beta release from the blockchain based ERN Audio Player platformRelease of Beta Minde Miner Prototype and components that support blockchainRelease of Beta from ERN Marketplace, CMS, and voice sharing platformsRelease of MVP from ERNPay iOS and Android
Q3 2019
Full launch of the ERN blockchain itself and its blockchain based components.
Full launch, Mindé Pocket device
Continuous development and improvement of ERN Platform for further service and satisfaction.
To find out more. You can connect more with ERN PROJECT at the link below:

Author of article:

ETHEREUM WALLET0x20972209f08119939816158a1417b6E9c11Cd010


Hello Friend, If you are interested in joining an ERN project or you are interested in joining an ERN project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision during the ERN project.
Here's the review !!
Current problems in the production of crypto currency are expensive equipment, rising energy costs and slow return on investment. Mobile devices are not designed for this purpose, this device charges the battery and consumes storage space, which makes it inoperable. The exchange platform generates billions of dollars from their user content. This revenue does not affect users. Only platforms get the most revenue.
That's why for its flagship product, the ERN project represents a portable smart device. Minde Pocket Miner is the first portable device with the latest developments, supporting the installation of currency wallets and mobile apps.
Listern is the latest audio platform, with songs, sound clips, and audiobooks. Listern uses Blockchain technology to distribute benefits equally among advertisers, authors, and audiences. The Listern Platform offers the latest Ecosystems, enabling viewers, advertisers, and authors to publish, distribute, and listen to audio, collect ERN in Ecosystems.
Mindé Pocket Miner is an integrated portable intelligent device: microSD memory card, touch interface, camera and battery, which can also be used as a resource. Also Mindé Pocket Miner, will be used as a wallet for tokens and crypto currency. Mindé Pocket Miner uses integration and support for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

ERN Token

ERN is an ERC-20 token, released on Blockchain Ethereum. By using ERN, you can purchase products and services, such as Mindé Pocket Miner. The project team's job is to provide the latest and latest technology to overcome difficulties encountered by experts in crypto currency.

Q4 2017

  • Beginning partner cooperation with the development team.
  • The founders and their first team determine the feasibility of the platform and its ecosystem.

Q1 2018

  • An additional set of developers.
  • Marking ideas in PAPER WHITE and other technical and legal documentation.
  • Write a working concept in technical documentation for the platform of LISTERN Platform and Minde Miner.
  • The launch of a bonus system development prototype based on LISTERN Audio Sharing (ERC20) to listen to audio files.
  • Negotiations and partnerships with clients and investors for the ERN project.

Q2 2018

  • Announcements Airdrop, Whitelisting and Bounty.
  • White Book completion and publication.
  • Release bonus system MVP LISTS Audio Plarform Sharing, based on binding chains in ERC20.
  • Launch website for personal sales, to ICO and Crowdsale.
  • Private sales.
  • Pre-Too Token.
  • Sales Token Crowd.

Q3 2018

  • Expansion team of engineers.
  • Product development for Minde Miner.
  • Blockchain architecture and design for ERN Coin.
  • Start the user development sound player ERN Platform LIST.
  • Begin development of ERNPay Wallet services.
  • Mindé Miner mining application development.
  • Starting from remuneration testing and earnings in Blockchain.
  • Launch of LISTERN platform development.
  • Charge coins.
  • Early ERN transfer to stock exchange.

Q4 2018

  • Migrating from ERN ERC20 to its own Blockchain.
  • Issue of MVP service for ERNPay wallet for web application.
  • Start developing ERNPay wallet for Android and iOS.
  • Start making Mindé Pocket Miner app.

Q1 2019

  • MVP release and BlockchainERN testing.
  • Release MVP in ERN Audio Player.
  • Release prototype MVP Mindé Miner and its components.
  • MVP release for ERN Marketplace, CMS, and voice sharing platform.
  • Inclusion of ad monetization through the ERN platform ecosystem.
  • Expansion of development teams and consultants.

Q2 2019

  • Beta Release and ERN Blockchain Test
  • The beta version of the ERN Audio Player platform.
  • The release of Beta Minde Miner and its components.
  • Beta released ERN Marketplace, CMS, and its platform sound.
  • MVP Release for ERNPay iOS and Android.

Q3 2019

  • Full launch of your own ERN Blockchain.
  • Full launch of Mindé Pocket.


  • Improved ERN platform for additional services.
Maybe this is all I can tell you, in order to get more accurate information from this review, if you have any questions or information you still do not understand, do not worry I have prepared a link that you can visit, so you get more accurate information from team or founder, and later they will explain to you in detail.
Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing which ERN projects are currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.
For more information and join social media ERN PROJECT, please follow the following sources:

Author of article:

ETHEREUM WALLET0x20972209f08119939816158a1417b6E9c11Cd010

ELISIA - Providing Lightning Fast Transactions Without Fees

Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the ELISIA project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you see their vision and mission, below:

Elisia is the most exciting development in the blockchain world since Satoshi Nakamoto unleashed Bitcoin in 2008. Elisa provides lightning fast transactions with no fee. Each Elisia transaction will reach its destination in lightning speed without any fee to sender or receiver! Decentralized Applications (DAPPS) can be created with ease and deployed on the Elisia network with a click of a button without any fee for deployment.

Wath this video!

Features of Elisia
  • Speed: Each Elisia transaction reaches its destination at lightning speeds !
  • Free: Elisia transactions are 100% free for sender and receiver !
  • DAPPS: Users can create DAPPS with little to no technical knowledge !
  • Soft Cap: 5000ETH
  • Hard Cap: 50000ETH
  • Token Price: 0.0001ETH
  • TOTAL SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000 ELSA
  • CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0x96c9126ee53fe08cc28fb08248915c76af3e3568


This timeline details our funding and development goals.
  • January 2018: Idea/Brainstorming
  • February 2018: Research Phase
  • June 2018: First Tech White Paper
  • October 2018: White Paper Released
  • November 2018: Token Sale Begins
  • December 2018: Elisia Network Development Begins
  • January 2019: Token Sale Ends
  • February 2019: Released on Major Exchanges
  • May 2019: Elisia Network Testing
  • August 2019: Elisia Network Development Complete
  • September 2019: Elisia Network Official Release
  • October 2019: ELSA Token Swap
  • November 2019: First Annual DAPP Contest
To find more relevant details from the ELISIA project, please follow some sources for the following references:

Author of article:

ETHEREUM WALLET0x20972209f08119939816158a1417b6E9c11Cd010

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