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Kamis, 18 April 2019

Cryptoxygen - The easiest way for you to safely exchange cryptocurrency and effective payment solutions

Hello friends all are still with me Ade prayoga. This time I will provide information about a project that is very interesting for you to know in a new cryptocurrency called Cryptoxygen. Before heading to the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future.

Hasil gambar untuk bounty Cryptoxygen

The foreign exchange market is a global market, and decentralized
over-the-counter (OTC) market for currency trading. This market determines currency exchange rates globally. In terms of trading volume, foreign exchange is by far the largest market in the world. According to the Bank for International Settlements (owned by 60 central banks), trading on the foreign exchange market averages $ 5.1 trillion per day as recorded in April 2016.

The above shows how runny and busy the currency trading ecosystem is. However, the exchange pattern began to take on a new dimension since the introduction of digital currencies in 2009 - popular Bitcoin (BTC). Currency exchanges that were once carried out between centralized or government-controlled currencies, are now beginning to involve decentralized currencies generated through cryptography and managed through a distributed ledger system known as the blockchain. This digital currency is known as cryptographic currency or only crypto currency.

CRYPTOXYGEN is a centralized trading platform for the traders and investors around the globe. As observed, centralized platform have always been the best of all crypto-currency exchange in existence. There always have high liquidity compare to the other forms of exchange. Centralized exchange have a very good transaction speed which is why CRYPTOXYGEN platform been a centralized platform has implement some advanced trading features in the platform which will improve the speed of transaction in the platform.

CRYPTOXYGEN platform will be the best in terms of good customer’s support, good customers support has always been a major problem in the other crypto-currency exchange. CRYPTOXYGEN customer support will be available 24/7 both during ICO and post ICO period.

CRYPTOXYGEN has launched its project on ETHEREUM blockchain network which is one of the most used and popular blockchain network in the universe. CRYPTOXYGEN has launched its token on this blockchain network in which the token can be used for 0% trading and transaction fees between CRYPTOXYGEN exchange wallet. Every users and holders of CRYPTOXYGEN token will have a discounted trading and withdrawal fees. Holding the token will make them for different loyalty program launches in the platform.

 Why CRYPTOXYGEN trading platfrom?

 The Cryptoxygen platform is a complete solution for cryptocurrency trading starting with a trading platform and ending with a wallet that allows you to spend and save your profits in the safest way.

Our goal is to bring a parallel solution to the classic banking system that controls customer funds and imposes high costs on every transaction. Cryptoxygen is here to provide our clients with the safest, most fast and the cheapest technology solutions through our mobile wallet platform and payment system replacing traditional debit / credit cards.



The crypto market which is just 9 years old, now boast of 2,079 other
cryptocurrencies after BTC. It also has 15,589 markets, a market Capitalization of $160,421,105,919 (over 160 billion USD) and most interestingly, a daily exchange average of $21,506,557,876 ($21, billion USD).

The transparency, the freedom, the cutting out of intermediaries and the fact that these currencies are not centralized or owned by governments, makes it a comfortable asset for investors or participants who want to explore market opportunities outside their geographical and economic boundaries. Hence, local economy does not affect the worth of this currency. No wonder currencies like Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin among others are worth more than the world’s strongest centralized currency.

With the aid of experience and expertise, Cryptoxygen (OXY2) here presents these challenges or loop-holes in the crypto market, how it is set to resolve them and how its solution will affect not just the financial strength of users but those outside the crypto economy.


Token Name: Cryptoxygen

Token Symbol: OXY2

Ethereum network protocol: ERC 20

Supply Token: 250 000 000

General total sales: 150 000 000

Public Sales Prices: 1 ETH = 1600OXY2

Launch Price: 1 ETH = 1200OXY2

 Cryptoxygen ICO

With this project, Cryptoxygen, OXY2 is set to follow the price movements of the 5 largest largest digital or cryptographic currencies currently on the cryptomarket market. Also, Cryptoxygen seeks to provide valuable financial assets to its investors, while providing information that will help all investors, those who have advanced and other market knowledge, to make smart investment decisions that will leave them with amazing results.

Therefore Cryptoxygen, seeks to raise funds that will be used as the initial value, as well as fund the development of the platform, promote it and increase the merger that will give it a place in the market.

More than 50% of the total tokens will be placed for public sales, which amounts to 150,000,000 OXY2 tokens. The standard price of tokens at the start of sales is $ 0.18 per OXY2 token, assuming the ETH price is at $ 190 (USD). Sales will be carried out in 3 phases with the first being the cheapest.

 Distribution Token

60% Allocated to ICO

18% Allocated to Development

16% Allocated to Founders Funds

15% Allocated to Pre-ICO


27% Allocated to Development

25% Allocated to Marketing

5% Allocated to Legal

15% Allocated to Security

10% Allocated to Payroll

5% Allocated to Others


For more information you can see it below:

★ Website ★ Twitter ★ Whitepaper ★ Telegram ★ Facebook ★ Github 

Author of article:

ETHEREUM WALLET0x20972209f08119939816158a1417b6E9c11Cd010

Veraexchange trading platform

Hello friends! In my previous post, I introduced Veraexchange- a new exchange for a comfortable and safe trading exchange. If you haven't read it, read this article to know what Veraexchange is. Well, to continue on this topic next, I will introduce some advantages of Veraexchange trading platform:

Security issue

Well, from the chart above, you have seen the most fundamental and common problem is security, and this is obvious, because the main hacks have been committed against any level of exchange. and the consequences of these hacks have not been removed. Users are always afraid of losing assets when they keep them in the wallet of the exchanges. VeraExchange will do everything possible to prevent any customer from losing any of their balance.
Their company conducted a study on security issues, taking into account all the attacks on exchanges that happened in the past and we found that the main vulnerabilities were identified. during transport API. API is used for algorithms and third party trading software, where it opens a set of connections, as a result - this connection is less protected, so the opportunity for a hack higher success.
Their group is very interested in platform security. This will positively affect the user's main concern: keep their wallet safe and it is guaranteed by the presence of highly qualified professionals in this field. Our security methods include secure server infrastructure, multiple tests for various intrusion of third-party software and servers, thus ensuring a high level of protection, as well. like compliance with all security standards.

Low transaction fee

One of the main issues related to commission withdrawals from stock exchanges, but it is less affected by users who keep their assets for a long time, because they rarely withdraw money. These problems face users with daily withdrawals. Such users represent the main part of exchange traders. In case the withdrawal amount may not be high, a significant portion of the amount may be charged to withdraw money.
There is also another type of trader who is affected by these nuisance who trade on some exchanges. And all that happens because there is no exchange can meet the needs of excess electronic money holders. Switching the token from one exchange to another makes you pay more and this more often happens, the more you spend. Their platform will save users' money by having a low fee, which will surely satisfy all

Transaction processing speed

The processing speed of the electronic money exchange platform plays the most important role in its operational value. These exchanges are built on weak IT infrastructure that cannot cope with increasing traffic on their websites, thus resulting in the platform's transactional speed being slowed down and eventually, things This may result in a complete shutdown. The tricky part is, it's simply impossible to assess the performance of any platform in a small volume of transactions, because it works stably.
The real problem has overcome when a lot of traffic to the site and the stability of the platform under great pressure. This leads to the transaction becoming idle and disappointing more traders, respectively, people lose the opportunity to trade in the current volatile market. With a large transaction queue, the platform tool will work best to deal with the appropriate workload and complete all transactions within the required time frames. VeraExchange can perform up to 1 million transactions per second.
To achieve these results, they use AWS infrastructure, including a combination of HPC, EC2, VPC, Lamda, DynamoDB, CloudFront, as well as Java and C ++ as an auxiliary and JS to display the interface.
In addition, there are many other advantages of the VeraExchange trading platform, you can learn through the links provided below:

Author of article:

ETHEREUM WALLET0x20972209f08119939816158a1417b6E9c11Cd010

CBNT rewards high-quality content makers

Today I will tell you about a very promising project. CBNT is a decentralized community based on blockchain technology and the DPGC ecosystem model. Our platform will create an ecosystem that can be mutually beneficial for all participants including content providers, content readers, ad publishers, and token holders. And in the CBNT community, whether it’s content producers, or content viewers, both parties can receive compensation in the form of tokens. All system participants will receive their benefits. When traffic on the platform increases, they will place advertisements and ad revenue will also be distributed among all participants according to their jobs.
How does it work?
Content creators will be rewarded if readers like their valuable content. And the higher your rank in the system, the higher your reward will be for your content. Viewers can choose and share high-quality articles, and the benefits of this article will be shared based on user input. High-value information equals opportunities in the business world.
A spam free system will allow advertisers to make decisions about buying advertisements and increasing ROI. The advertising revenue generated will be shared between all token holders by taking hourly snapshots. The CNBT personal team and thirty other users will be allowed to choose and become part of an improved advertising system.
CBNT Ecosystem
  • Content Making: Participants will get an imbalance if the user likes their beneficial substance. the higher the position of the substance, the more tokens will be obtained.
  • Content Communication: Observers can choose and share inspiring articles, and the benefits of these articles will be conveyed in the perspective of the weight of customer responsibility.
  • Paid Q & A: A very interesting information box in the business world. Sharing important information for inspectors can give you more interesting points.
  • Progress Monetization: Marketing experts pay tokens to distribute Upgrades, and publication costs will be disseminated in the perspective of fan accountability.
The CBNT project has a bright future. Everyone, content creators, token holders, and even readers will be able to produce in this project. If the team implements all of its ideas, the project will take the right place in the blockchain world and become very successful.

System Structure


CBNT is built as an economic token system that fully complies with the rules of a free market economy; Anyone who has contributed to others can get financial benefits, solving here are the problems facing traditional ecosystems for Internet content:
  • Reducing the quality of content through economic attention.
  • Creators spend time creating content and adding value to platforms when they transform their work towards a platform profit model.
  • And content viewers and communicators cannot share the financial value generated by content.
The CBNT team considers this business model not sustainable and CBNT aims to change the traditional content platform business model and enable each participant to benefit from CBNT.
With the Participating is Mining model, CBNT will issue tokens that represent rights on the platform. CBNT will focus on blockchain information as well as finance and investment fields which are also closely related to the economic token system. Content creators, observers and communicators can mine CBNT tokens by posting content, sections, comments and likes, etc. On the CBNT platform.
Token Information:
Token Symbol: CBNT
Price1 CBNT Token = $0.030
Total Supply: 10 Billion
Token Type: ERC20
March 2018
CBNT project start-up; preparation for the business rules, process design, and communication with content creators, etc.
Sep. 2018
listing of CBNT Beta version; invite community members to form a beta team and complete a system test.
Oct. 2018
listing CBNT 1.0 version, available for IOS and Android users.
Sep. 2019
Gradually achieve group wisdom decision-making, and establish a self-operated distributed community with ecosystem co-construction, community co-governance, and revenue sharing, and in which each CBNT holder can participate in community elections, business decision-making activities, etc.
Our Team
For more information, please follow the link below.

Author of article:

ETHEREUM WALLET0x20972209f08119939816158a1417b6E9c11Cd010

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