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Senin, 03 September 2018

Alfa-Enzo ICO Review


Image result for Alfa-Enzo

We are creating the world’s first SmartMarket. It’s unique time-as-an-experience design puts the power of a high-speed blockchain to let users tap into a new generation of marketplace design. Participants receive free stakes for signing up and logging in each day. They earn more by staking coins through the Samaritan Protocol. Our MVP is available for download on the App Store and post ICO on the Play Store.

Image result for Alfa-Enzo

About Alfa-Enzo

We have proposed an ecosystem that delivers a value-anchored mass-market cryptocurrency and provide a novel end-user experience for its complete utilization. The Enzo Open Network puts users first. It is designed to separate users from marketers, to allow users to manage the privacy of User Generated Content (UGC) across an efficient digital economy without relying on trust. With each user’s data and time contribution, a natural economy emerges from which we can derive an intrinsic value basis for a new cryptocurrency—Enzo. Enzo offers features that no other cryptocurrency possesses to deliver on a prime initiative of global inclusion and commitment to the evolution of distributed systems. The first proven outlets for Enzo to exercise its utility are Alfa and Push. These applications are the first portals into EON and serves to illustrate through user experience, design, and architecture, a clear delineation between users, data, and advertisers. We are in the midst of a digital revolution. Alfa Enzo launches its offering in the light of widespread market uncertainty and volatility. However, we believe in our ability to prevail through the cohesiveness of our vision, the comprehensiveness of our preparation, and the strength of our team. We look forward to your participation and unwavering support of this bold new vision.
Image result for Alfa-Enzo
We are building a hyper-agile solution to steward the most useful distributed platform in existence.
Alfa-Enzo aims to deliver the world’s first distributed operating system using a peer-to-peer topology. Its mission is to supercharge cryptocurrency for mainstream use by making it easy
for businesses and people to instantly transact on the blockchain for anything and everything.
Self-Serve Ads Platform
Cryptocurrency can enrich the world and open the door to unprecedented opportunities but it’s not easy to adopt.
True-Time d-App Container
Cryptocurrency can enrich the world and open the door to unprecedented opportunities but it’s not easy to adopt.
Turing-Complete Wallet
Cryptocurrency can enrich the world and open the door to unprecedented opportunities but it’s not easy to adopt.
The Problem
Cryptocurrency has world-changing potential but failed to achieve widespread adoption for the following reasons.
No easy way exists to use crypto for goods and services.
Movement between analog fiat and crypto is difficult.
Movement between analog fiat and crypto is difficult.
Our Advantage
Alfa is the first in a family of container experiences we call D-App Operating Systems (DOS). It was designed to supercharge mass adoption by leveraging network effect to deliver cryptocurrency in a unique and unprecedented way.


Develop Fluid Time Prototype for iOS;
Launched Fluid Timeline for iOS and Android v1.
Black Paper—International Patent (w/ PCT) Received;
Developed Enzo Open Network;
Launch Fluid Timeline Serverless Ecosystem.
Release Alfa 0, Genesis – iOS;
Release Alfa 1, Prime – iOS;
Release Alfa 2, Goliath – iOS, Android;
Release Alfa 3, Helios – iOS, Android, Desktop;
Release Push 1, Progeny iOS;
Launch Valet 1, MacOS + MVP Testnet.
Release Alfa 4, Nirvana, Valet 2 for MacOS, Windows;
Deploy MVP MainNet;
Release Push 2 – iOS, Android.
Begin Developing EON-OS and EON Phone.
Launch EON-OS and EON Phone.
Launch EON Edge Servers.
Tony Tran
Member of this ICO only
Member of this ICO only
James Dron
Member of this ICO only
Lam Hoang
Participates in 2 ICOs
Thomas Nsikakabasi
Member of this ICO only
Ridgley Kuang
Advisor of this ICO only
Eddie Hong
Advisor of this ICO only
Manh Duong
Advisor of this ICO only
Angie Trinh
Advisor of this ICO only
Andy Truong
Advisor of this ICO only
Afia Zaheer
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Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

CBNT : A Decentralized Professional Content Sharing platform!

Hello everyone, on this good occasion I will introduce the CBNT Project and to find out the benefits of the CBNT Project, here are the reviews:
CBNT is a decentralized professional content sharing community based on blockchain technology and an ecosystem model of DPGC (Decentralization Professional Generated Content). In the beginning, we will focus on blockchain and professional financial investment content. CBNT will create a win-win ecosystem for all participants, including content/articles providers, content readers (viewer), ad publishers, and token holders.
The CBNT team aims to change the conventional business model of content platforms and let every participant benefit from CBNT. Adopting the “participating is mining” model, CBNT will issue tokens, which represents rights on the platform. CBNT will focus on blockchain information and financial and investment fields which are highly related to the token economy system too. Content generators, viewers, and communicatorscan mine CBNT tokens by posting content, sharing, commenting, and liking etc. on the CBNT platform.
All participants in this ecosystem can get 100% corresponding rights and benefits, thus to achieve a win-win system of "content, traffic, and advertising."
Moreover, In the CBNT community, whether you are content generators or content viewers, both sides can receive tokens “Mining Rewards”. As CBNT grows and traffic boosts, all the profit of numerous ads will also be distributed to all of the participants.
In the future, the CBNT community is an open and transparent organization with a token representing all rights to the platform. Each CBNT holder can participate in community elections, business decision-making voting, other activities, and finally, achieve group wisdom decision-making. All data are publicly and transparently recorded on the blockchain, thus achieving the establishment of a distributed community organization.
CBNT will be built as a token economy system that fully complies with the rules of the free market economy; every individual who has contributed to others can benefit from it financially, thus solving the following problems faced by the traditional internet content ecosystems:
  1. Reduced content quality caused by the attention economy.
  2. Content creators spend time creating content and provide value for the platform while ultimately transforming their
    work for the benefit of the platforms’ profit model.
  3. Content viewers and communicators can’t share the financial value that the content generated. and many more
If our project attracts your interest, please see the details of the Token below:
Token Allocation
As CBNT is a proof of platform ecosystem, CBNT token holders can enjoy rights on the platform, like revenue sharing, supervision, voting etc. The total supply of CBNT is 10 billion, and it will never be overissued. There are two ways to obtain CBNT: one is mining, and the other is to trade from the exchange.
The distribution mechanism of the tokens are as follows:
Road Map
March 2018
CBNT project start-up; preparation for the business rules, process design, and communication with content creators, etc.
Sep. 2018
listing of CBNT Beta version; invite community members to form a beta team and complete a system test.
Oct. 2018
listing CBNT 1.0 version, available for IOS and Android users.
Sep. 2019
Gradually achieve group wisdom decision-making, and establish a self-operated distributed community with ecosystem co-construction, community co-governance, and revenue sharing, and in which each CBNT holder can participate in community elections, business decision-making activities, etc.
Up here explanation from me and to avoid all forms of fraud please look for accurate and reliable information or visit the Link I provide below:
Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow


CAPVERTO Exchange is an advanced money in light of a flexible utility token that enormously expands the fundamental focal points of digital money through a plan straightforwardly tending to the requirements of populaces most much of the time prohibited from saving money.
It conveys a multifaceted bank like understanding, focused on a prepaid card that is as simple to use as signing onto a quick all around the outlined site.
In the meantime, the critical CAPVERTO Token (CAP) at its center backings propelled highlights, for example, a money back framework distributed (P2P) financial trade a computerized cash exchanging stage and a creative digital currency protection item.
Over the span of ordinary utilize, these highlights impact the fundamental estimation of the CAP recognizing it a particularly adaptable comfort for the unbanked and underbanked.

About Capverto:

Comprehensive managing an account frameworks are motors of monetary development and destitution decrease. Without access to the full range of managing an account administration, unbanked populaces must turn to outlets like microcredit systems and payday banks to satisfy their money-related necessities regardless of the high loan fees, soak charges and constrained by and large adaptability of such choices.
The unbanked require more attractive, more adaptable choices.
Cryptographic forms of money hold impressive guarantee in these regards. They don't require the mind-boggling framework and administration of customarily brought together back, nor do members in their ICOs need to have broad monetary chronicles or travel face to face to any branch workplaces – both normal hindrances for unbanked people.
Interest is regularly as clear as passing a couple of security checks to open an online record, and it accompanies the focal advantage of less and lower exchange expenses.
To date, advanced monetary forms have picked up footing by decentralizing and streamlining the money related undertakings that once went solely through conventional organizations and on account of installment card utilize were expensive on the grounds that they required numerous gatherings to process. In any case, these tasks have not yet particularly focused on the necessities of the unbanked/underbanked.


CAPVERTO Exchange is putting forth an ICO focusing on the unbanked/underbanked guaranteeing they have chances to saddle the one of a kind advantages of digital currency.

Token Details:

Token details:
Token :CAP
Price 1 CAP = 1.82 USD
MVP/Prototype :Available
Platform :Ethereum
Accepting :ETH
Soft cap :1,125,000 CAP
Hard cap: 171,375,000 CAP
Country :Denmark
Whitelist/KYC :KYC & Whitelist
Token distribution:
All tokens will be distributed according to following ways:
Q4 / 2017
The concept is born.
Q1 / 2018
The concept is in development.
Q2 / 2018
Private sale of CAP Tokens.
Q3 / 2018
Public sale of CAP Tokens.
Q4 / 2018
Security and performance test. Launch of the official Capverto Platform.
Q1 / 2019
Launch of app to iPhone and Android.
Q2 / 2019
Launch of Whitelabel solution.
Q4 / 2019
Launch of Merchant payment solution.


About perusing the subtle elements given in the site and whitepaper I found that this task is honest to goodness.
This is looking guaranteed venture and has a commitment with the guide and plan. This venture if effectively propelled then this will carry masses and cash with it.
All audits are my closely-held conviction no exhort.

Some Links:

Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

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