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Rabu, 19 September 2018


Hello everyone, for those who are interested in becoming a member of the Engineer project. It is a nice principle to learn opinions that may assist you get news that may assist you in seeing their imaginative and prescient and mission, the following:

About Engineer.aI

Engineer.aI is a blockchain and AI-powered ecosystem that supports anybody create bespoke software, faster, extra cost-effective, and with a upper success charge than the latest consultation model.
  • Faster & leaner
    Creators won’t require any technical wisdom to observe their projects. AI will match their principle with correct parts and pattern teams.
  • Streamlined & guaranteed
    Duplicate work is removed as present parts are used, incredibly than re-built. Costs are decreased and timelines shortened, permitting extra talk about bespoke elements.
  • Managed & trusted
    Every stage is managed by clever contract elimination fee dangers and making certain on time, on finances delivery.
    watch this video...!

The Engineer AI Ecosystem

Project building, management, and distributed bills are all managed by our ecosystem
  1. Clients use the drag and drop interface to create their idea. They pay a weekly deposit of NAYA tokens to start off work.
  2. AI selects parts from present constructing blocks to construct the project.
  3. Scored & verified start stakeholders are assigned builder playing cards with atomic degree details.
  4. Multiple, independent staked companions test the deliverables.
  5. Successful tasks will automatically launch escrowed money by means of blockchain clever contract.
  6. Hosting and upkeep are managed by AI & Cloud ops worth are automatically arbitraged.

Our Mission’s pattern staff is based and experienced with an present community of 26,000 engineers, 3,200 clients, $23 million in platform revenue, and 150 percentage yr on yr growth. Pivoting to a blockchain and AI-driven style will industrialize our activity and permit us scale globally and acquire our key goals.
  • Make device pattern accessible to anyone
    AI removes the want for purchaser consultations, breaking down ideas into granular tasks matched to present parts and the greatest experts.
  • Ensure costs, timelines, and quality
    Quality assurance and deliverables are managed by clever contract eliminating worth and fee dangers and production delays.
  • Streamline the production process
    Our library of constructing blocks prevents duplicate work re-coding of present features, making pattern quicker and leaner.
  • Prevent decay and hold functionality
    Hosting, management, and updates are automated permitting quicker principle to advent timelines and continued functionality.
  • The NAYA Token
    NAYA is a ERC-20 token used at the distributed fee community for users and contributors.
  • Secure
    Customers acquire work from a marketplace of contributors, whereas nonetheless being guaranteed a success start in their project.
  • Quality Assured
    NAYA is staked alongside the mission to test the accuracy of work by a set of QAs sourced from the contributor network.
  • Escrowed Payments
    Each mission has an related clever contract which acts as an escrow. Funds are launched as milestones are reached.
  • The Engineer Platform
    Engineer AI is an all-in-one bespoke device platform
  • Builder
    Human Assisted AI that runs the on-line meeting line platform for constructing bespoke software. Builder runs on a distributed belief community that manages identification, start assurity, IPR, security, dispute answer and stakeholder payments.
  • BuilderCare
    A guaranty carrier that permits users to get updates to their bespoke device as 3rd celebration libraries decay over time and help to guarantee their tasks sustain running.
  • CloudOps
    Manage the operating of your app utilizing our platform that makes use of AI to take care of Cloud spend, sustain your device operating & deliver collectively all of the companies you want in a single place.

The Token Sale’s pattern staff is already based and experienced with a shown tune checklist of delivery.
$20M Initial Target
$3M Seed Round
$17M Pre-Sale
Engineer AI Roadmap
Project building, management, and distributed bills are managed by our 3-tiered platform
Screenshot_2018-09-11 Engineer ai - ICO.png

More information visit link below

Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

Libereum : Bringing cutting Edge Solutions to the Sports Industry

libereum 1.jpg
The love for sports is age long and dates back to the early days of our ancestors as sports remains the bedrock of leisure entertainment. In the view of this fact, a lot of people spend a bulk of their free / leisure time to commit to a particular course in pursuit of entertainment. As technology constantly advance, the intensity of enthusiasm for sporting activities have remained immutable as more individuals regardless of the teaming advancement in technology still depend strongly on sports to quench their thirst for entertainment as well as fulfill their career inclinations.
Consequent to the afore-stated, technology advancement has not really have a negative effect on the interest of people regarding sports but have further strengthened the diversities in the application of technology for the betterment of sporting activities. In actual fact, technological advancement has impacted positively to the overall relationship and interaction between sports and people around the world.
In line with the afore-stated regarding the relevance of sports to the world, I am pleased to introduce you all to an ICO project called LIBEREUM which brings cutting edge solutions to the sports industry around the world integrated with crypto-currency which forms the core basis for this article creation.
Overview of Libereum
Libereum is a blockchain based ERC20 token standard which aims at creating a network of individual users within the purview of the sports industry. More specifically, Libereum is actually the very first crypto company to acquire a football club. All incoming revenue made from the club will be exchanged for libereum. Libereum has the vision and plan to buy more clubs as time goes on and as such all club income shall be received in libereum. The token ticker for Libereum is called Liber and all activities of Libereum shall be driven by Liber tokens. Libereum will not just be buying clubs but has the plan to buy at least 1 football club in every country of the world thereby creating the possibility for more people to be connected to libereum, hold on to liber for the possibility of value appreciation, to be able to pay for goods & services, perform short term trading, as well as having the possibility of sending Liber token(s) to any ERC20 wallet. It is to the good of all to get your share of the future by keying to libereum project. With the mini-economy of Libereum, an increase in the demand for Libereum will be guaranteed. Libereum will also create a connection to shops inorder that payment for goods & services is possible.
Token & ICO Information
Token ticker: LIBER
Token Standard: ERC20
Platform: Ethereum
Type: Cryptocurrency
ICO token supply: 40,000,000
Soft cap: 6,000,000 USD
Token distribution
The total generated Liber tokens being 40,000,000 shall be distributed as follows:
Presale - 10%
Main ICO - 40%
Project Team - 10%
Operations of Libereum Platform - 25%
Company Management - 15%
Project Team
The success of a team in indubitably largely a function of the competence, commitment, nd experiences of the members that make up the project team. In the light of this, I am very pleased to announce to you all that Libereum project team comprises of highly experienced industry professionals. Below is a sneak peak of Libereum project team members and their designation which demonstrates great auspiciousness towards the overall success of the project.
Cem Kumlar - Chief Executive Officer
Eric Ploum - Chief Operating Officer
Rob Ploum - Chief Commercial Officer
Panos Ziakas - Football Relations
Mohammed El Mou - Finance
Ahmed Qaddour - Head of Support
Rutger Wijnen - Sales and Support
Chretien Vroomen –Sales
Patrick Kalinow - Sales
Marlies Kikken - Legal
Dumith Salinda - Developer
Chanaka Kasun D - Developer
Ruwantha Sameer - Developer
ICO projects that brings great possibilities and solutions to the crypto community such as what Libereum brings is quite rare as Libereum combines blockchain technology and the world’s most renowned sport (football) to provide key solutions to all users of Libereum
For more information about Libereum and/or how you can purchase her Liber tokens, please visit any of the following links:
Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

ICOVO: The First ICO Platform in the World to Implement DAICO

Earlier this year, co-founder Ethereum Vitalik Buterin proposed the DAICO concept to fund a blockchain project to protect investors who invest in it. Despite the current market conditions and regulatory tightening, the ICO market reaches $ 5.8 billion USD in the first quarter of 2018 which has exceeded the number of ICOs raised in 2017. Despite this tremendous growth, it is clear that their problem is in the current ICO market that is:
The founder fled with ICO funds after crowdsale 
The project team lost interest in continuing the project 
The team did not follow the road map as shown in their white book All 
-out project neglect 
In all this, investors lost a lot of money because they had invested hard-earned money they are into the project and there is no way for them to get justice but with this DAICO concept, investor interests and funds will be truly protected, making ICO investment a less risky type of investment. The ICOVO project will be the first platform to implement DAICO.

What is ICOVO?

ICOVO is the first and only ICO platform in the world that can actualize healthy ICOs. ICOVO will make it possible to resolve the problems mentioned above by creating platforms that have project interests and investor interest in the heart. To achieve this, the platform will use KYC / AML, whitepaper versions, and DAICOVO.

How it works

ICOVO aims to protect ICO investors by introducing a fundraising management system and increasing the transparency of the founder of the ICO project and the project itself.
The essence of the service is the DAICOVO smart contract, which is based on the DAICO concept, which was advocated by the co-founder Ethereum Vitalik Buterin in January 2018. This will guarantee the protection of ICO investors at all times. The implementation will be carried out through the ICOVO platform. This platform will also implement KYC / AML for invesstors and project founders. The whitepaper version will use IPFS and the blockchain will ensure no changes to the whitepaper and agreement.
Only previously approved projects that approve the DAICO concept will be allowed to raise funds through the platform. This platform will also issue OVO tokens, which will be specified as a currency to get ICO investments with a percentage discount. OVO Tokens are the only tokens in the world specifically for the procurement of ICO funds. The value of increasing the voice ICO is more done on the ICOVO platform, so OVO will function as a symbol and ICO environmental health index.
ICOVO will solve the problem by removing obstacles to the process of participating in the ICO so that anyone can easily participate. They will be solved through the provision of the ICOVO App (iOS / Android), which integrates the only wallet in the world optimized for the ICO, and ICOVO Web, which will increase usability when participating in the ICO via a personal computer. It will also have a mechanism that will allow investors to find refunds whenever the project does not work according to their roadmap.
The platform's competitive advantage is its vision based on the original ideology and great human capital of the three founders in terms of management capabilities, technological strength, and the ability of glocalisation to accumulate from their extensive experience. Biographies of the founders and other team members can be found here.



The ICOVO project starts. DAICO Implementing Platform ICO is designed. 
DAICOVO which is a smart, customizable contract that integrates DAICO designed. The company's website 
promotion is 
opened. Press releases in Switzerland, Singapore, Japan are distributed. 
Preparation for the ICO begins.
White List Registration, KYC / AML and CrowdSale will begin. 
ICOVO App version 1.0.0 
June 22 2018: Features such as local wallets and dashboards (KYC / AML, White List registration)? Implemented. 
Events in Zug, Tokyo and Singapore will be held. 
The application of the ICOVO Web version 1.0.0 for the ICOVO Dashboard will be launched.

CrowdSale ICO will begin and OVO tokens will be listed on the exchange. 
ICOVO App version 1.0.5 
September 15 2018: DAICOVO interface, concept, voting feature added. 
ICOVO News Media ( will be opened. 
DAICOVO version1.1.0 implementation of the Whitepaper version will be launched.
ICOVO Web version 1.2.0 implementation of Mypage management for the conceptor will be launched. 
ICOVO App version 1.2.0 
January 1, 2019: Dashboard (Explore Whitepaper, ICO project list) and Decentralized Exchange (DEX) integration feature added. 
The common work space for startups associated with the innovative blockchain will be opened in Zug, Switzerland. 
The application of DAICO version 1.2.0 from the parameter settings will be launched.


ICO support services will begin. ICOVO Web 
version 1.2.1 will be launched. 
ICOVO App version 1.2.1 will be launched. 
DAICOVO version 1.2.1 will be launched.
The common work space for startups that are linked to the innovative blockchain will open in Tokyo. 
6-month hard-term token from the token will end. 10% bonus tokens will be distributed to OVO token holders.
We will examine the legal situation of the country and initiate global dissemination.


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team 2.jpg
Check the useful links below for more information about the project.
Useful links
Project Website:
Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

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