Bitcoin's Press Release:TrustLogics looks to streamline the global recruitment process, utilizing blockchain technology to protect user identity. TrustLogics also announced theworld's first Surprise Box Token Sales .
May 15, 2018. Cayman Islands: For a professional or an independent service provider, the job search process usually ends up being tedious, drawn-out, and full of disappointment or false hope. In a desperate attempt to close jobs quickly, job seekers send their resumes or personal information to all types of organizations without realizing how their own data can be used against them. In spite of all the hard work, there is a reasonable chance that an honest candidate can lose an inappropriate position for jobseekers who engage in illegal practices such as fake resumes or fake doctor certificates. In short, the recruitment industry is full of inefficiencies and ready to be disturbed.
TrustLogics , which began operations in 2017, aims to solve inefficiencies in the global recruitment process by exploiting the potential of blockchain technology to ensure the protection of trusted identity and information. Users can not only choose to verify their professional data on the TrustLogics platform, but also share it on the internet to serve as a universally accepted, digitally safe, and Trusted portfolio.
The company is flooded with resumes containing false education and professional qualifications, extending the candidate recruitment system. For example, in the US, the average time it takes to hire someone is 23.8 days (and keep going up), and 75% of the HR Manager has lied in his resume.
Organizations spend a lot of money just to identify and hire good candidates for open positions. For example, $ 4,129 is found as an average cost-per-brand in 2016.
Instead of contacting the Independent Service Provider directly, the Service Requester prefers to pay a 30-40% premium to the service website. This is due to their lack of trust and confidence in self-employed individuals.
Registered users on the TrustLogics platform can use the Validator service to verify their background information. This not only reduces the duration of hiring, but also helps the profile being examined to gain greater visibility for new job vacancies.
The Peer-2-Peer Hiring model helps companies by extending referral coverage far beyond their own employment or agency personnel. Because each Peer on the platform can refer suitable candidates, recruiters can avoid spending large amounts to identify the right personnel by doing search crowdsourcing.
By utilizing most of the Digital Portfolio and Reputation Building System based on reviews and ratings, Independent Service Providers can instantly establish strong positive impressions on service applicants and inspire confidence. Because this portfolio can be shared, the services website's crime and advertising costs for the job portal can be resolved.
In 2017, TrustLogics moves past the concept stage and starts life. The platform has accumulated 100,000 active users so far and has formed a partnership with AIESEC, the largest nonprofit organization managed by youth with presence in 127 countries.
With the goal of boosting the economic growth of developing countries, TrustLogics has recently signed an MoU with the Republic of Guinea and the Republic of Suriname, which will make the TrustLogics platform open to millions of users.
TrustLogics aims to create a holistic global environment in which reliable professional data is safeguarded without fudging opportunities, and the recruitment process is greatly optimized to make things smoother for everyone.
TrustLogics is proud to announce the world's first Surprise Box Token Sale as part of the # 1 pre-sale structure. The token sale surprise attendees will be able to get 35% discount on TrustLogics Tokens (TLT) and digital mystery vouchers.
TrustLogics is the source of this content. The virtual currency is not a legal tender, is not supported by the government, and the account balance and its value are not subject to consumer protection.
Token or token sale sales are only suitable for individuals with high risk tolerance. Participate in the token event with existing funds / funds ready to disappear.
This press release is for informational purposes only. The information is not an investment advice or offer to invest.
Today it is difficult to imagine our life without mobile communication methods, and especially without messengers. It's fast, convenient, and affordable. Therefore, the audience of people using applications of this nature is increasing every year. For example, the number of Telegram users has increased from 25 million to 150 million since 2014, and by 2021 it is projected that users of this messenger will be about 675 million. In this situation, the huge interest of marketers in mobile communication applications as there is another platform for advertising campaigns for a fairly large audience. Moreover, the emotional reaction to such advertising is higher than for advertising with TV. But as practice shows, the implementation of marketing processes through messengers, today also has its difficulties, as it requires a lot of money and time. Change the situation, according to the developers of the UMC project, it is possible using artificial intelligence and blocking technology.
The idea of UMC
UMC (Universal Marketing Company) is a decentralized platform that uses blocking technology, smart contracts and artificial intelligence to provide users with the opportunity to organize advertising via messengers as efficiently, reliably and, at the same time, quickly and easily.
The UMC platform provides a number of key tools for marketing, in particular SMM, including multifunctional options settings, built-in analytics and extensive statistics, manual or fully automatic modes of operation, payment tools, the main element of which will be UMCC (UMC Coins) tokens.
The UMC platform will be launched both as a web platform and as an integrated platform for messengers and social networks, including Telegram, WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, QQ, Kakaotalk, Viber, Snapchat, Instagram, Weibo, Vkontakte, Line, Twitter, Skype and others, the work of the platform in which will be implemented through chat bots.
Chat bots have become more and more used by various companies, individuals and channels to provide services or technical support to customers. Mobile banking Monobank, for example, uses a bot in the Telegram messenger to automatically answer basic questions, and if the user needs to communicate with the operator, the bot will switch it to the client support assigned to it.
The role of tokens
UMCC, platform tokens, will become one of the key elements of the platform and its functionality, having played an important role. In total, the project will produce 500,000,000 tokens, which are issued once and burned when purchased. Private sale of tokens is held from January and will end in June, and in July the presale starts, followed by the main round of ICO, which is scheduled for August 1.
UMCC tokens will be the only means of payment on the UMC platform, so all users will be able to use them to pay for paid services. But on this the value of tokens ends. Its main task is to solve the problem of profit loss due to commissions and difficulties with cross-border transfers.
The thing is that both advertisers and advertising platforms through which they conduct their marketing campaigns each year lose a significant part of their income due to the fact that they are in different countries with different currencies.
Making payments with different currencies provides for their mandatory conversion, because of which you can lose part of the amount only due to high commissions. Moreover, there are often cases of blocking bank cards for transactions.
But for UMCC tokens there can not be any boundaries, commissions or restrictions. They are universal means of payment, therefore all contracts between the participants can be implemented with their help. And given that due to the high potential of the platform the demand for tokens will grow, users will also be able to earn on their sale through the exchange.
The project of Universal Marketing Company employs professionals with years of work experience in SMM marketing, project management and software development, including those based on block-chain.
Content curation is still a wild west regarding direct compensation of content creators for their time, intellectual property and efforts. For years, as the digital age has grown, there has been a gap in the media space for a platform that redistributes power from existing media owners (third parties who benefit from exchange of information in a centralized location) to the creators, consumers, and publishers.
The current content creation monopolization by media owners that are centralized is unsustainable and highly inefficient. Consumers, publishers and creators want more transparency and control, and wish to consume, distribute and create equitably, without the need for intermediaries holding all the cards.
The MEDIA Protocol decentralized platform works to provide:
Data that publishers are looking to analyze
Rewards that creators deserve for their works
Relevance desired by the driven consumer
MEDIA Protocol
MEDIA Protocol’s product is representative of a software development kit. This kit is designed to allow users to easily develop backend procedures for the development of decentralized applications (DApps) for the purpose of sharing media, whether it be video, audio, image, or text based. Fully open-sourced, users can analyze code themselves for verification of stability and security.
Creators of content have the capacity to publish their work directly from the MEDIA Protocol platform. From this, these creators can earn profits from users upon setting up paywalls or subscriptions. They can also profit from advertisers by providing exposure through traffic.
Putting creators first
Additionally, users earn tokens for participation in the network. This can come either from the aforementioned advertisers who pay for attention, or as a reward system for content distribution through social channels. At the end, each application implementing the MEDIA Protocol will be different in both content and rewards.
The MEDIA Protocol platform also will include something called a “Content Recommendation Server”, leveraging the talent of the existing MP team with some AI processes, connecting users with the content they will likely be interested in based on what was viewed in the past.
An application has already been developed and launched on the MEDIA Protocol. Titled “CryptoCatnip”, this cryptocurrency news application is currently in beta and available on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Its full functionality will be released upon the launch of the MEDIA token (information below).
MEDIA Protocol’s focus is on transparency, direction, sustainability, anddisruption compared to their counterparts. Let’s dive into each of these.
The MEDIA Protocol frees promoters, consumers, distributors and creators from third parties and hidden selection algorithms. They offer a fully open source and completely transparent platform, with endless, multi directional exchanges of data, rewards, and value.
The MEDIA Protocol serves to remove the intermediaries that currently exist in platforms between the creators of content, the publishers of said content, and the consumers who absorb the media. The goal is to ensure that creators, publishers, and consumers are all rewarded and valued for their piece of the process.
Through usage of the MEDIA Protocol, users will not experience any push and pull of control, but rather maintenance of control by boththe creator and the publisher. Both parties are rewarded directly for content that is developed and published. This serves to incentivize both sides. Consumers, consequently, are rewarded for personal preference data provided to the platform.
In traditional media platforms, intermediaries are located between creators, publishers and consumers. These platforms can be anything from video streaming sites to black and white newspapers. The MEDIA Protocol fully disrupts this stale concept, providing scalable economy-based foundations to ensure transparency, directness, and security.
To properly disrupt the media industry through blockchain technology requires skill and a strong vision and direction. More so than this, though, is a solid team of in-the-know leaders, marketers, advisors, and developers to collaborate to make MEDIA Protocol a success. Do they have the “it factor” to make this a reality?
The MEDIA Protocol Team
MEDIA Protocol has developed an incredibly strong and capable network of experts, with a four-person C-level team, many development and operational professionals, and six extremely high-profile, knowledgeable advisors.
The MEDIA Protocol Founding Team and C-Level Executives
James Tabor | Chief executive officer — Tabor has several years of experience in the fields of artificial intelligence in marketing and advertising. He has over a decade of experience in advertising, startups, and commercial rights. He ran business development for a few successful startups, and currently does high-level consulting for early stage startups.
Thomas Graham | Co-founder — Graham is also a co-founder of Codec-ai, and managing partner at TLDR, which is a high-powered cryptocurrency and blockchain advisory firm and hedge fund with a global presence. Before this, Graham was the chief executive officer and co-founder of MapD, the “fastest database in the world”.
Martin Adams | Co-founder — Adams serves as the current chief executive officer and co-founder of He also founded the Digital Leadership Council in London, to provide further accessibility to technology. He also is an advisor and strategic consultant to the Royal Marines, and was an advisor for Second Screen.
Mark White | Chief technology officer — White is also the chief technology officer of Before this, he was a consultant for both Lastminute/Travelocity and Camelot. He was additionally the CTO for the Money Advice Service, and Noise Inc, as well as a software architect working for Expedia and Autoquake.
The Rest of the MEDIA Protocol Team
MEDIA Protocol has curated a strong network of high performers in a span of roles in support of the C-level team. From blockchain development to data science, product management, design, strategy and operations, every single member on the MEDIA Protocol team has a role in the results of their work.
While a lot of the MEDIA Protocol team members are younger, they are well accomplished and highly capable relevant to their skill level. Several of the support team members additionally work for, which is a company based on artificial intelligence developing multiple communications and marketing platforms.
Andy Tian is the current chief executive officer of Gifto, working on a decentralized universal gifting protocol. He is also the co-founder and CEO of Asia Innovations, and was general manager of Zynga China.
Kate Cox is the chief marketing officer and vice president of the EMEA regions for GoDaddy. She is also the strategic managing partner of Havas Media UK, where she serves as head of strategy for Havas and MPG Media Contacts.
Dominique Delport is the global managing director and president of the Havas Group. He is additionally the president and supervisory board member of Vivendi Content, focused on disruptive media and advertisement innovations.
Ted Wang is one of two partners at early stage venture capitalist firm Cowboy Ventures. Before this, he was a partner at several prestigious law firms, including Fenwick and West, White and Lee, the Altus Legal Group, and was an associate at Gunderson Dettmer.
Mark Adams is the vice president and head of innovation of Vice Media. He also currently serves as the founder and director of the Social Media Unit, advising on policy issues relating to social media. He also founded Union, United, and theAudience.
Richard Ma is the chief executive officer at Quantstamp Technologies Inc. He is also an algorithmic trading fund manager at the Bitcoin HFT Fund. Before this, he was the senior quantitative strategist at Tower Research Capital and Portfolio Manager of Palladion Capital.
Not much is currently known about the MEDIA Protocol initial coin offering, or their token economy. They announced that there would be an ICO in the first quarter of 2018, however we are currently entering the second third of Q2 and no ICO has been officially announced.
The same announcement noted a full sale of tokens in the second quarter of 2018. The MEDIA Protocol website, publications, and limited social media presence has not yet provided any clear cut information regarding KYC measures, pricing, or sale dates.
What is known, however, is that the token will be developed on the Ethereum blockchain, and thus will be ERC-20 compliant. It is also noted that, on the MEDIA Protocol’s own blockchain, addressed will have the opportunity to be saved within the platform itself for fast and simple transfers of tokens.
Pros and Cons of MEDIA Protocol
MEDIA Protocol’s cons include:
A lack of a solid and clear roadmap for the future
Little real information regarding initial coin offering timetables
A lot of competition from similar projects in the blockchain sector
While MEDIA Protocol has a lot of great things going for them, they also have some shortcomings. They’ve already fallen short on their timeframes for initial coin offerings and full coin sales.
MEDIA Protocol’s pros include:
A wonderful array of highly professional and experienced personnel
A stellar team of high-profile advisors
A clear structure for progress
A working product already with CryptoCatnip
Strong presence at industry events
A well written and explanatory whitepaper
MEDIA Protocol very much seem to have things figured out, a clear approach to their solution, and a well thought out structure for how things will be done. It’s easy to see what role blockchain plays into their proposed business platform, and their integration with many of the higher-ups in provides strong potential for artificial intelligence integration into their platforms.
Final Thoughts on MEDIA Protocol
The system for the MEDIA Protocol team has a very innovative concept, however they are currently in competition with several other blockchain centric projects focused in the media industry. Additionally, they have not provided clear information regarding their upcoming initial coin offering. This being the case, their roadmap might be falling to the wayside.
However, with CEOs of industry giants like Quantstamp and Gifto as advisors, Media Protocol is set up for great guidance and networking possibilites. The MEDIA Protocol team itself is incredibly well-written and highly accomplished. Their utilization will be key to ensuring that the success of the platform is apparent. As with all blockchain based startup projects as well, the overall success is dependent on the willingness of their users to interact with and embrace their internal cryptocurrency system.