We take care of genuine issues hugely by helping patients take their medications appropriately. Consistently, a large number of individuals neglect to take their solutions as endorsed and the subsequent individual and monetary expenses are amazing. Around the world, non-adherence brings about $700 billion in avoidable therapeutic expenses.
The information that CURAIZON makes is extraordinary and of awesome incentive to pharmaceutical organizations, analysts and governments around the globe.
Each time a patient uses CuraServe technology, the undertaking databases are refreshed with new helpful data and acquire value.
The project CURAIZON day by day assemble totally unknown information about how and when patients are taking medications.
CuraTokens tokens Are the best way to get to our databases. These tokens can be utilized to get to information that will propel restorative research to decrease human services expenses and spare a huge number of lives.
The estimation of the token CuraToken in view of genuine answer for genuine worldwide issues.
The video below illustrates how CURAIZON work s
CURAIZON involves: CuraServe, CuraView and Curadata. The project adds to the diminishment of human services costs and the advancement of restorative research.
Communicates with patients, using unobtrusive reminders. Allows family members to receive information about the patient's medication intake and receive information about his condition. Maintains real-time communication with health care providers and reports patient behavior information.
Integration and exchange of information with health systems. Ensures the relevance of all patient data. Provides real-time feedback to the patient's electronic medical record.
Collects unique and valuable data into the database. Contains only demographic data and patient adherence data. Patient IDs stored by the health service. Available via CuraToken.

CuraToken allows CTKN token holders to access anonymous medical data on the blockchain.
CuraTokens is the only way to access Curaizon technology.
CuraToken holders can access data that uses strong analytics, predictions, AIs and large data in the fight against drug non-compliance.
CuraTokens provides real-time analysis of patient behavior and compliance.
CuraTokens allows the use of blockchain technology to manage authentication, confidentiality and accountability by allowing individuals to control their data, providing protection, security, and compliance with all required regulations, including GDPR.
CuraTokens facilitates partnerships with medical and pharmaceutical organizations through a token reward system.
The holders of CuraToken know that they save lives around the world by helping solve the problem of drug non-compliance.

January 2016
Development of CuraServe ™ Starts
Development of CuraServe ™ Starts
June 2017
The CuraServe ™ Testing takes place
The CuraServe ™ Testing takes place
February 2018
Rilis Full Alpha CuraData ™
Rilis Full Alpha CuraData ™
June 1, 2018
Start Token Presale
Start Token Presale
June 8, 2018
Token Public Sale Begins
Token Public Sale Begins
November 2018
Full CuraData ™ Beta Release
Full CuraData ™ Beta Release
March 2019
CuraServe ™ Public Release
CuraServe ™ Public Release
July 2019
CuraData ™ Platform Growth
CuraData ™ Platform Growth
Release Curadata ™ 2.0
Release Curadata ™ 2.0

For more details visit:
Website: https://curatoken.curaizon.com/
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▶️Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4401662.0
▶️Twitter: https://twitter.com/curaizon
▶️Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/ILiK_Q7VBLOByz_7mMUgsQ
▶️Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4401662.0
▶️Twitter: https://twitter.com/curaizon
Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1308879