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Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

Tripterium T50 Ico Review : A Next Generation Tokenized Index Fund

Tripterium T50

About Tripterium

Tripterium T50 is a tokenized, closed-end index fund (CEF), which passively tracks the top fifty cryptocurrency assets by market capitalisation, in order to deliver healthy returns. The fund has a Venture Capital Feeder Fund, which will invest in expertly-vetted early stage blockchain technology companies that are seeking to undertake an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), therefore benefitting from the ICO returns. Profits from the Tripterium Venture Capital Feeder Fund will provide a constant stream of new money coming into the Tripterium T50 index fund, increasing the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the portfolio to the benefit of the T50 token holders.
Basic Information
NameTripterium T50
Token symbolT560
Social MediaTripterium T50 Ico Review : A next generation tokenized index fundTripterium T50 Ico Review : A next generation tokenized index fundTripterium T50 Ico Review : A next generation tokenized index fund
Token Price
0.0001 ETH
RestrictionsNo restrictions
CountryCayman Islands
WhitepaperClick Here For View Whitepaper
WebsiteClick Here For Visit ICO Homepage


last year witnessed a shift of approximately a third of a trillion dollars from actively managed funds into index funds  that means in the United States alone a massive $350 billion moved straight into index funds
There is no need to pick a winner because the tokenized index fund makes it easy  for anyone to own a diverse crypto-portfolio by owning a single token.
Protection against the T50 token trading at a discount is provided by the liquidation option which creates a price floor for the token,  while allowing the token holder to benefit from the trade premium that the market will give to the token.

Tripterium T50 Advantages

The Tripterium T50 fund has several benefits including but not limited to:
 No exit fees
 No broker fees
 No advice fees
 Benefit from the fastest growing market in the world
 Free membership to the exclusive Tripterium Founders Club
 Diversified exposure: Broad exposure to a diverse set of cryptocurrencies
 Access great pre-ICO discounts and bonuses through the Tripterium Founders Club
 Higher returns: index funds have consistently outperformed the average managed fund
 Benefit from the concept of compounding interest, which increases the net asset value of the fund
Benefits of the Tripterium Founders’ Club
 Access to exclusive ICO bonus and discounts
 Priority access to upcoming Tripterium projects
 Access to private sales
 Access to pre-sales (That usually have very high minimum investment thresholds)
 Early access to projects that the Tripterium Venture Capital Feeder Fund has invested in

Portfolio Hyper-Parameters

Index funds don’t try to beat the market; they simply aim to harness the power of the markets to deliver healthy
returns. They typically have relatively low charges, and this cost advantage has seen index funds grow in
popularity in recent years. Today, millions of investors use index funds as a simple, cost-effective way of gaining
access to the markets. Index funds have changed the way that many people think about investing. By providing a diversified exposure to a broad range of assets, index funds enable investors to track the performance of an entire asset class, rather than having to select individual assets. T50 token holders will have the ability to benefit from the potential of blockchain-based digital assets.


A fund devoted to cryptocurrencies requires maximum strength security. Tripterium Capital LLP has implemented best practice security industry defences. Secure operational procedures are in place including strong authentication, a risk-based approach to segregation of duties, and identity procedures. The majority of cryptocurrencies will be stored in cold wallets with a small percentage of each currency stored in a wallet on our servers so as to facilitate rebalancing and the token liquidation option. Trades will be executed mover multiple exchanges at varying times within our rebalancing window to mitigate the risk of front-running.

ERC20 Smart Contract

Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality. The one great innovation Ethereum offers is the programmable
contracts, and the most widely used one is the ERC20 standard. Ethereum has become the most dominant
platform for ICOs because it allows for their execution via smart contracts. The ERC20 token functionality comes
with advantages that makes Ethereum an ideal choice for the Tripterium T50 token issue. These advantages include:
 Multiple cryptocurrency exchanges already support the Ethereum ERC20 token standard
 ERC20 tokens have high liquidity because they can be bought using Ether (ETH)
 The ERC20 token standard is secure




Kenneth Omoya CEO

Jamie Williams Cryptocurrency Portfolio Manager

Anna Borisova Cryptocurrency Investment Analyst

Reetendranath Banerji CTO

Rita Drozda Marketing & Communication


Tripterium T50 has been structured to take advantage of the efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) theory. The T50 index fund will harness the power of the market to deliver healthy returns, while the Venture Capital Feeder Fund will invest in riskier ventures in order to gain from the higher returns associated with them. This allows for Tripterium T50 to consistently outperform the market and benefit from the fastest growing next generation market in the world.

For more information, we invite you to visit the following links:

Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

MAGNUS : Creating a Global Marketplace for Knowledge, Skills, and Processing Strength

Hello everyone, in this new post I want to introduce about Magnus project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:

What is Magnus

Magnus has been created to define the universe of Robotics and AI automation for investors and organisations. Magnus is also the first truly decentralized network of intelligent AI agents, Robots, Sensors, hardware and humans creating a global market for knowledge, skills and processing power.

Magnus is a hybrid token – it has both utility and usage.

Magnus Collective is a complex structure that tries to simultaneously solve four complex and important tasks:

  • Creation of robotics center, AI, IOT, Human, and useful cloud system. accelerate the development and use of robotics, leading to a service economy in which individuals and organizations can hire robot services using Magnus Token.
  • Creating and conducting open exchanges between the various organizations that developed rapidly in the last decade in BlockChain, Ai, robotics, and cloud computing.
  • Creating a network effect of goodwill and progress in teams that will lead to accelerated technological progress and economic development, when Magnus Collective will achieve its goals.

Human cooperation with AI (robot)

Innovation in the field of AI has been accelerated in recent years - a key driver of growth is low-cost computing and access to large data sets.
Artificial intelligence, signal processing and learning, managing many modern technologies, ranging from search engines, assistants with voice prompts and even targeting online advertising.

The creation of a combined cognitive platform is already happening - this is not a research project in a college laboratory, and in the last decade it's getting faster. Up to now, smart people are those who score the highest, making the least mistakes. AI will change the fundamental logic, because no one can deceive, for example, a new Google AI engine or IBM Watson platform.

Thus, we see an era of development where people have to work with AI to get real results. Smart machines can process, store, and store information faster and better than us humans. In addition, AI can quickly map templates. Can even learn faster.

Why Blockchain?

Blockchain, which became known after Bitcoin, proves that by combining a cryptographic peer algorithm network, a group of agents can reach agreement on a particular situation and secure the deal without the need for a regulatory authority. Combining system blocks with other systems, such as swarm robotic systems or AI pools, allows groups to be autonomous, flexible, more secure, and collaborate without disagreements.

Blockchain technology shows that by joining ad hoc networks with cryptographic algorithms, a group of agents can reach agreement on a particular case and secure the deal in a safe and verifiable manner, without central authority. Due to the nature of decentralization and key principles, such as warranty and reliability technology blockchain is very useful in conjunction with emerging flock robotics, establishing AI and IOT.Chtoby hub maximize success, Magnus Collective is to buy and sell all services, making the development process faster. Also make sure that all participants have easy access to the team. Thus, economic logic is made for the following purposes:

  • Open, global and unlicensed access to various participants.
  • Confirmation and service opening.
  • Connection and intersection of various networks and Blockchain.

Token Magnus is designed to achieve this goal, which ensures free and non-discriminatory access and focuses the currency created by the team. To confirm the service, you need to support 2 years of robotic rental platform and popular industry and appreciate the awareness within the network.

Magnus Token is reborn after careful consideration and long review of its benefits. We test the economic logic of hard coding and the development of economic logic, which stimulates rapid growth. If we can not find a token that meets all tokens unique requirements - the team may collapse - and fail to meet its goals.

Stages of selling tokens

Passing after the following stages.
Pre-ICO: stage with a 60% bonus. 2 weeks.
Main-ICO 0: Phase with 40% bonus. 48 hours.
Main-ICO 1: Phase with 30% bonus. 1 week.
Main-ICO 2: Phase with 20% bonus. 1 week.
Main-ICO 3: Phase with 10% bonus. 1 week.
Main-ICO 4: Phase with 5% bonus. 1 week.
unused token will be burned after ICO

The conclusion of our careful analysis lies in the fact that only the original token enables the Collective Magnus to reach tseley.Chtoby is desired to create the market, simplify transactions, guarantee access to the world and stimulate growth, we need original tokens, specifically for Robotics, AI, and IOT markets. And we decided to support our tokens using the Robotics platform - especially for the Intelligent Robot platform.

To contribute and Know the progress of this offer, you may visit some of the following Links:

Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

TRADERISER: Decentralised Trading and Research platform

Society has advanced more in the past several decades than it has in a millennium. Despite all our technological and societal advances, we struggle to overcome some of the same fundamental challenges -global poverty, disease, and the distribution of wealth and power, to name just a few. Humanity has a long way to go. Everyday each one of us is trader consume much of news, chat and other information about the capital market we do this in order to understand what we are investing in, With so much data we can fail to find these business opportunities and the task of researching is very time consuming. The solution to this is Traderiser, instead of disturbing yourself just ask traderiser. With traderiser you can get answer to both simple,complex and news based trading questions. Lets look at the video below...
TradeRiser is a Research Assistant platform that can answer both simple and news based trading questions. Users can type a trading question into search box and TradeRiser will go to work to compute the answer.
Motivation - Simplifying financial data analytics
The growth of the world wide web led to innovations in search engine technology, this made the web more accessible and ubiquitous. However financial data analytics, has not enjoyed the same the level of simplicity and accessibility seen in the world wide web. The growth of big data cannot be stopped, accessibility and ubiquity presents a huge opportunity, to systems that seek to democratize financial data analytics.
Disrupting Human Intensive Research
Research is normally time consuming, inefficient, prone to information overload and requires a lot of manpower. Financial professionals worldwide spend a lot of time and money in research trying to answer these trading questions.
Fewer Ideas Are Tested
Current platforms rely on a great degree of technical know how to test trading ideas, and due to the barriers to entry fewer trading ideas are tested. Every day a portfolio manager has an investment idea and has to go to a quant to build the model.
Quantitative research can be an incredibly time consuming process, as it requires multiple steps in order to be completed, sometimes spanning across several days and hours. Other bottlenecks include the computational process due to the amount of data being analyzed.
The research process requires the data gathering, data cleaning and data analyses, and the final step being report creation. This is an incredibly an inefficient process.
Information Overload
With data being the new “oil” or a valuable resource, the job of analysts is all the more difficult in trying to process data. New avenues of data are constantly creeping up which can potentially be exploited in financial research, especially unstructured data.
News and Events - Unstructured Data
It is well known that the news and world events have impact on the financial markets, it is for this reason that tools such as the economic and earnings report calendars were created. These tools allow traders to keep up and monitor impactful events, however there is a whole basket of world events that have not be organised to be included in a calendar, that needs to be structured. As it stands traders struggle to keep up or hedge against data from sources such as twitter, cryptocurrency news, weather data and even satellite data.
TradeRiser solves these problems through its Research Assistant that can immediately answer trading questions that a trader or investor has about the financial markets. TradeRiser’s token mechanism will keep track and compensate financial analysts for their datasets of questions, data validation, accuracy checking, suggestions and example
report creation. The financial analysts can contribute in these ways to help train our machine learning Research Assistant, and be compensated accordingly. XTI is the underlying mechanism used to facilitate this ecosystem, and provides XTI holders with direct participation in advancing our “single source of truth” questioning and answering system
Community Edition :- This is comprised of many features that will be available to the community. They are as follows, the Research Assistant powered by the community data feed, ICO ratings, market condition analysis, ICO due diligence, investor portfolio analysis, direct trading, web and mobile app.
Research Marketplace :- Accessible to Token holders
Enterprise Edition :- This standalone version is accessible to financial institutions,
hedge funds or corporations. This includes our API.
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50% Crowdsale
15% Distributed to Community for Ecosystem Incentivization
25% Company founders, advisors and employees
5% Bounty and Referrals
5% Strategic Partnerships and Future Development
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60% Product Development
20% Marketing, PR and Sales
8% Partnership
4% International Expansion
5% General Admin and Operations
3% Legal
Target on crowdsale: $23,000,000
Total in existence: 500,000,000 XTI
XTI Token type: ERC20
Purchase methods accepted: BTC and ETH
Based on Ethereum blockchain and the Ethereum smart contract
Employee allocation of XTI will have a vesting period of 24 months, with a 6 month cliff.
Allocation will be proportional to the tenure of each employee by the date of token sale.
Unsold tokens will be burnt.
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1 XTI = $0.07
1 XTI = $0.10
XTI Supply
XTI will have a supply with nominal value USD 23,000,000.
XTI Refunds
In certain cases, XTI may be refunded to platform participants. For example, use cases may arise that will necessitate a refund, but typically will follow a minimum period of 3 weeks before this takes place.
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2014 to 2015
TradeRiser is founded
2016 Q1 to 2016 Q3
Private Beta/Alpha test with traders and asset managers
2017 Q1
Participated in the Accenture Fintech Innovation Lab London
2017 Q2 to 2017 Q3
Platform UI redesign and functionality improvement
2018 Q3
TradeRiser ICO
2018 Q3 – 2018 Q4 (June – Dec)
Growing The Team and Market Data Provider Partnerships
2018 Q4 (Oct – Dec)
Launch training portal
2018 Q4 (Oct – Dec)
Launch Community Edition of TradeRiser
2019 Q2 (Apr – June)
Hedge Fund and Financial Institution Partnerships
2019 Q4 and Beyond
Launch Research Marketplace and Enterprise Edition
For more information, please visit:
Telegram Group:
Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

LEVEL01 : P2P Modifiers are Decentralized

Welcome my friends to an exciting new Project today and let's take a look at their great idea:
Level01 is a decentralized P2P modifier that allows investors to directly trade option contracts without intermediary interventions or brokers. An excellent opportunity to save commissions significantly, which is a must when attracting third parties.
Level01 combines DLT technology with blocking and artificial intelligence (AI), enabling dynamic valuation of fair value. Analysis for opposing parties based on current and retrospective market data.
The platform is designed to effectively eliminate all forms of contention in user work, present in conventional or crypto currency exchanges, such as:
  • Deposit / withdrawal;
  • Wallet security issues;
  • All of this together will enable investors to fully concentrate on trading activities.
The Level01 platform promotes transparency and equity and is designed to provide the most efficient level of trading on the market for retail and commercial investors.
Trade with peer-to-peer exchange (P2P) involves the participation of two parties who interact with each other in the conduct of trade transactions. Since third parties do not participate, there may be a state of non-fulfillment of obligations by one or the other party in a trade transaction.
Trade through intermediaries is effective, but it provides investors and their funds for other types of risks such as excessive transaction costs, suspended withdrawals, market manipulation, trading brokers or customers against metabolic attacks.
Level01 uses contracts and intelligent technology to block automatic p2p trading payments, effectively solve confidence issues and do not fulfill tasks, enabling investors to avoid negative aspects of centralized brokers.
Mobile / Web Application Level01 allows investors to interact directly with each other for trading.
Investors choose the category of assets in which they are interested, for example, Forex or Crypto-currency;
Trading investors by issuing option contracts on the market using the following parameters:
Or choose an existing contract with options;
When the option contract is matched with the business partner, all parameters are sent to the Level01 intellectual contract on the block chain. The intellectual contract receives permission from both parties to execute the trade agreement after the expiration of the option contract.
The Level01 architecture uses blockchain technology to perform automated trading calculations and allows you to instantly generate profits. This operation is done siding without using the program in a mini-block chain called Ethereum smart contract.
FairSense is a Level01 core technology developed using cross-flow analysis, which is usually only available to institutional organizations.
FairSense automatically helps investors to assess the fair value of the contract, which they are looking to trade, and constantly update their bid or offer price in respect of implied value, thus offering fair value for both sides of the transaction, which is exactly adjusted every second of the current market conditions.
The FairSense Algorithm observes and transforms cross-market variables in real time in the most liquid financial markets that provide the most stable market rates, allowing investors to trade consistently, providing liquidity enhancement and price discovery on the exchange of peer-level Level01.
Token Token
internally serves as a means for a transparent and equitable chain block settlement, as it can be processed / automated by an intellectual contract and programmed into paying the winners of the trade.
Tokens LVX can also be "placed" by the investor to host a retail place where you can make group purchases, and the investor receives a commission to regulate the trade. Install markers that expire on a reasonable contract after they expire.
You can find out more about the platform or participate in their sales crowd through the following links:
Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

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