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Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018

SportsFix: Decentralized Sports Streaming Platform with Blockchain

SportsFix is a streaming platform and will present regional sports content, local content and the most popular international sport. SportsFix will become the platform of choice for sports fans.
SportsFix is building a decentralized platform to democratize sports content for fans backed by blockchain technology, creating a community-based ecosystem which allows every sports fan to watch, engage, and be rewarded by their favorite clubs and communities across the globe.
SportsFix combines content Netflix with blockchain so that changing the way fans connect to media content sports. Fans can participate and get involved in their clubs and leagues in the economy with a digital transaction using intelligent blockchain contract.
Sportsfix vision is to redefine the sports content market by:-
• Cutting out the middlemen
• Connecting rights holders directly to fans through the SportsFix ecosystem.
This provides new revenue streams to rights holders and SportsFix alike and nurture the very premise of what sports fans are seeking.
Combined with blockchain technology, SportsFix will secure identity, payments, user viewing rights and act as a revolutionary marketplace for all providers and consumers of sports.
• You can be directly involved with your favorite clubs.
• Can access content exclusive to the room lockers, training and more.
• Can make a one-day match through our partner or club sponsor.
• Buy tickets on the day of the match.
• You can choose the game you want to watch and can get a token SFT.
• You can get discounts on your favorite brand's stuff
• Watch the game free with the digital Stadium sponsors.
• Watch the game together and share your comments with the public.
• You can earn loyalty points and make prediction games as well as creating content which is cool.
Many of the problems in the face on the current sports streaming platform, among which are:
  1. The Club supported no direct involvement with their fans.
  2. Using a system of redistribution of income of the centralized system of income redistribution & centrally.
  3. The distribution system is not transparent.
  4. Do the manufacturer's markup, packaging and artificial price.
  1. Fans will only pay for what they watch.
  2. Favorite sports clubs could do interaction, identify and reward for their loyal fans who are active on the stadium digitally.
  3. Supporters can open the content of the sport and their favorite product features.
  4. Many of the cool features that can be selected by fans while watching the game.
Name: SportsFix
The Symbol Token: SFT
Token supply: 800 million SFT
Ethereum Platform: ERC20
Token price: $0.10 USD
Token for sale: 440 million SFT
Time Pre-Sale: 4-8 Week
Pre-Sale discount: 30-50%
Soft cap: 2 million
Hard cap 37.2 million

Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

HYPERQUANT : Platform That Will Invest In Cryptocurrency Automatically

Welcome my friends to an exciting new Project today and let's take a look at their great idea:
What is HyperQuant?
HyperQuant is a platform that will invest in cryptocurrency automatically, without trader's participation.
How could this happen? Quite simple. It is enough for investors to set the investment parameters:
  1. Maximum risk level;
  2. Cryptocurrency that can be used for investment;
  3. Swap, perfect for digital money exchange for Fiat.
By analyzing user-defined limits, the HyperQuant platform will select the optimal strategy and ensure the achievement of the specified indicator.
Benefits of HyperQuant
The main advantage of HyperQuant, due to which the developer plans to win the competition - fully automated investment. This is a very important advantage: it provides an opportunity to invest in tokens and generate even people who do not understand anything in the investment. This is enough to manage how much you need and what risks are acceptable, and the platform will do it all on its own.
It is also important that HyperQuant allows participants to develop bot trading "for themselves". Sites where you can do a little, and HyperQuant is one of them.
Thus, HyperQuant attracts not only those who want to completely outsource the acquisition process. The platform also appeals to investors who are fluent in the crypto currency range, but want to automate the process of generating revenue.
ICO and token distribution
To perform ICO, HyperQuant developers create HQT tokens.
In total, 320 million HQT tokens will be issued, which will be sold in two stages in May and June 2018. For 1 ETH during the main round of HyperQuale crowdsale you can buy 3500 HQT.
Minimum target ICO HyperQuant (SoftCap) - 5000 ETH. HardCap - 41143 ETH.
Investments collected on ICO will be distributed as follows:
Token distribution
The HyperQuant creator has set a very ambitious goal. In fact, they want to do something no one else can do - fully automate the cryptocurrency trading process. If the HyperQuant developer idea is realized, then all trading operations will be executed by the robot, and the investor will only receive the money.
Time will tell whether it will happen or not. But in any case, HyperQuant already has a lot of technology to translate the plan into action. Therefore, investment in this project is a profitable investment.
You can find out more about the platform or participate in their sales crowd through the following links:
Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

Qravity : Digital Content Production & Distribution Revolution of the Century


Introduce for Qravity Ico
Today I want to tell you about a new, but already sensational project.Qravity is the platform of the production and distribution of content is decentralized where the content creators have and profit from their work.
Qravity is the space in which content producers and content makers can collectively develop digital content that can be monetized, including movies, music, games, e-books, and apps. The founders of the project of dividing their projects into tasks, then, using contract smart on the blockchain Ethereum, the platform automatically tracks progress, distribute bets among the participants, and make content instantly available to distributors and consumers. Blockchain technology to keep all transactions on a transparent platform in terms of revenue, product distribution, and the distribution of profits; it can also prevent copyright violations and intellectual property.
Our goal is to improve collaboration and help the project founder and creative professionals overcome the challenges that hinder the project's digital content. To achieve this goal, the platform Qravity simplify the development and distribution of unique content and make it more fair, and more beneficial, for those who make it.
How Qravity work
Business owners divide their project into tasks, and the attributes of a specific Qravity of Project Tokens ( QPT ) for each task. This Token represents the betting in a project and only used internally. Immediately after the creators complete the task, the contract smart automatically send the QPT allocated to the task to the wallet maker.
After the completion of the project, anytime the distributor or the consumer buy or rent content that is produced, the founders of the project, and content creators automatically receive part of the income in the cryptocurrency Qravity, QCO. The number of QCO received by each member of the project team in accordance with the stakes in the project, namely, the number of QPT that they generate for their work. Holders of QCO can use their tokens to buy the content through the market Qravity; they can also redeem QCO them on the exchange.
Solution of the project
QRAVITY is ready with its solution for content production & distribution. The solution designed by the team is based on the blockchain technology offering remote teams to work jointly as a single team. Project management tools, digital content production tools, file sharing and messaging services are available for the users of the platform. The project management on the platform is quite simple, as it is guided by the project manager with the QPT as the token reward. The team working on the different project can decide the future usage and application of the projects being developed on the platform.
Smart contracts help in the smooth management of the different tasks on the platform. Movies, music, and audio file are only a small part of the different kinds of content being offered on the platform. Users can pay the QCO tokens directly to the creators on the platform to consume specific content. Projects on the platform are distributed in small tasks assigned to the different team members of the group. Content creators on the platform are rewarded for their skills and ingenuity.
Token details and Team
50% OF THE Total tokens will be distributed to the people in the ICO. The token pre-sale is currently live on the platform until 15^th^ June 2018. The main token sale will begin on the 16^th^ June 2018 and continue until 31^st^ July 2018. 37% OF THE funds will be spent on the marketing of the projects on the platform while 19% of the funds will be spent on the marketing of the platform. The team working on the project is experienced in the fields of the blockchain technology and project management.
Token specifications
  • Name : Qravity
  • Symbol Token : QCO
  • Decimal Token : 18
  • Platform : Ethereum ERC-827
  • Address the sale of tokens : TBA
  • The Total Supply of Tokens : QCO
  • Price Token : 0.0002 ETH
  • Hard Cap : 12.000 ETH

Project conclusion
people have formed different metrics to determine which digital tools to utilize for their content production & distribution. Different content monetization models along with collaborative opportunities exist on the platform for the content creators. People are going to utilize the opportunity presented by the platform to subscribe to the most authentic and transparent medium.
A new framework for the creative professionals to build their model of creative flow is offered on the platform. The future belongs to the decentralization and people with the specific set of skills will be required to complete this dream into reality. Multiple startups are already developing solutions for the growing challenges in the blockchain technology applications. Platforms like these boost the morale and provide the necessary trust required in the market.
For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :
Bitcointalk Username: KidsJamanNow

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