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Senin, 24 Mei 2021

Ferox Advisors (FRX Token) - DeFi Hedge Fund



Cryptocurrency was originally known as a payment system that allows people to be able to make transactions quickly, without third parties, in a transparent, secure and anonymous manner. Satoshi, who was the creator of Bitcoin, the first popular cryptocurrency, made Bitcoin beat a centralized financial system that was prone to manipulation and was controlled by one party. With the growth and development of the Crypto / blockchain ecosystem, a number of alternative investment options have emerged, and have proven to be more efficient and profitable investment tools than traditional financial returns. Innovative projects consistently emerge in the crypto industry with high returns and sustainable trends, such as the DEFI Program.
currently there is a new investment trend besides ICO, IEO, ITO etc. if you don’t know what is Defi ?? DeFi is an innovation that was born to ensure that all financial services can be realized on the blockchain network in a decentralized, transparent and reliable way, without intermediaries such as decentralized financial banks, payment service providers, or no third parties. and this time I want to tell you about the Defi project, such as the FRX Advisors Project and the FRX Advisors Project will attract a large market investment.


DeFi is an open financial ecosystem where you can build various small financial tools and services in a decentralized manner.

We see Decentralized Finance (DeFi) market began its meteoric rise in early 2020. it’s very good time for crypto community and investors.

Iast 6 months, the total value of all assets locked in DeFi has grown by a factor of 15 - from $600 million to $9 billion. Such changes indicate an increase in interest from the crypto community and investors. DeFi can be safely called the ‘hot hit’ of 2020.

FRX is a globally decentralized hedge fund token, a combination of different alpha-powers of hedge funds with the freedom granted by a denied ecosystem.

Forex Advisors is a registered firm that specializes in providing crypto trading advice to established and potential crypto exchange platforms and its clients. It was established in 2013 in Dubai, a market in the United States.

They operate derivative accounts for some business and external clients and have developed and developed derivative strategies for several for-profit businesses around the world over the past decade. Their main goal is to set and achieve a high interest rate for their clients with an investment target of at least 30% per year. They also offer cryptocurrency managed accounts that help achieve return rate rates.

Ferox Advisors(FRX):

Native Token of Ferox Advisors Limited FRX Token Platform. Demand for FRX Coins will increase with the development of Forex Advisors Ltd. With a professional and systematic marketing strategy, high interest rates and attractive rewards, it is certainly a project that is suitable for investment.

Why Choose Ferox Advisors??

The Ferox Advisor platform works using liquidity pools. These are token pools that are locked in the smart contract, these tokens so that you can be able to exchange with each other using AirTX as hydraulic. Lots of tokens (TRC-20) and all kinds of tokens that are currently supported by Firix Advisors. Also, a new liquidity pool can create a new exchange pair for any token at any time.

Private companies:

As a private company, FRX is an open platform for anyone who wants to join and invest in it individually or for company owners. As part of the FRX platform, you can benefit from a number of programs:

Key Features: Provides high liquidity, provides returns up to 300% / year, Full Intraday Trading Optionality, Low Fees at Trading,

Combining IT experts with today's technology.

As a platform that combines high technology and technology and business experts, the FRX platform hedge fund trading platform aims to:

Maximum income, profits of up to 399% per annum, is open to all without exception.


Investors and users can benefit from this system. This is because derivatives are secured deposits / tokens that are guaranteed under certain agreements so that they can buy and sell transactions in exchange. And besides, investors will be able to sell first even if they haven’t bought before.

Managed Accounts:

By creating profitable strategies for investors and traders, the FRX platform can help you grow your business without imposing large fees for the trading transactions you make. Because it is definitely the main attraction for its users by providing up to 300% profit per year.

The project seeks to maintain an annual return on net equity

The minimum is 30%, with the ability to further increase the price of free gamma. We have successfully achieved both crypto options and derivatives as of 2017.

At Bitmax, we doubled our equity in less than a month's trading in 2012. We have achieved a standard fit with stock options of technology by 2020.

Now we want to provide a better profit profile for outside investors.

Removes the fund structure, banks and depositors from the equation and allows the investor to own shares of a decentralized hedge fund directly with 0 operating or operating fees.

FRX Token
Ferox Advisors is not just a hedge fund firm, it provides token hedge funds called FRX Tokens. The FRX token is a TRC20 token designed in the Tron blockchain. With this combination, Forex Advisor Alpha Hedge Fund provides a decentralized token hedge fund with productivity capabilities and the benefits of the DFI ecosystem. FRX tokens can be purchased and received by users through the Seed Round program. Users can get multiple bonus rates up to 300% in this program. The bigger the investment, the higher the bonus.

The utilities of the FRX token
In addition to participating in hedge funds, FRX is the preferred token of betting directly from the Firx Consulting website. These bets will be dynamic versions of binary options (or bets on a consistent spread), allowing users to make daily predictions on the prices of large cryptocurrencies and products such as gold, silver and crude oil via the FRX token in the payment structure.

Ferox Advisor Tokenomics:
Forex Advisors is a private limited company in which they have invented a crypto token - for investors to share its profits and for partners to participate. The FRX token will feature liquidity mining and standard yield cultivation, allowing its holders to retain tokens and generate dividends.

The project plans to deliver a total of 70,000 million TRX tokens The company said The 400 million tokens will be minted in the first year of the first year and sold and distributed in the second year. The rest will be set aside for split funding, special promotions and development roadmaps.


Contract : TKTENn9v56yVKHu4obmdQGpe8wFVimczxq
Symbol: FRX
Decimals: 8
Circulating Supply : 700,000,000.00000000FRX

FRX Pre-Sale is now Live!

The FRX mentioned in the previous paragraph is a trading company that focuses on trading cryptocurrencies and derivatives. The company specializes in account management for investors and earning returns based on their investments. FRX has created their platform token called FRX which is tron ​​based. The token is designed in Tron Blockchain, one of the fastest, scalable, secure and highly efficient blockchain networks in the world. FRX is the domestic token of the FRX decentralized hedge fund platform.


  • 10,000 TRX investment , 1 TRX = 3 FRX , Investors will get 27,000 FRX by transferring 9000 TRX to FRX wallet above
  • Investment worth 10,000 TRX to 50,000 TRX ( 1 TRX - 3.3 FRX) Deposit 33,000 worth of TRX, you will get 99,000 FRX
  • Investment up to 50,000 TRX to 300,000 TRX ( 1 TRX - 3.6 FRX) Depositi100, 000 TRX , you will receive 360,000 FRX
  • Investment up to 300,000 TRX and above attracts ( 1 TRX - 4FRX) Depositing 500,000 TRX will , you will receive 2,000,00 FRX

Team Member:


An investment is an activity that is managed by allocating a certain amount of money to tools such as gold, real estate, etc. for future profit. Currently, many companies provide investment services for attractive return users. But there are risks to investing, users must be prudent in investing their money so that they do not lose their assets.

Above all, to guarantee the traceability, and authentication of ownership, the FRX Token transactions are registered into the blockchains, and these will enable the mobility, liquidity, and trading of physical gold. Now is the right time for crypto enthusiasts and investors to enjoy the great benefits which FRX Defi Investment offers by investing in tins amazing, highly secure, and valuable token (FRX Token)



Username Bitcointalk: Soetikno

Bitcointalk Profile Links:;u=897955

ETH Address: 0x5E7117c82b20CfFD85E4cc29118a83102Bcc9a27

Mocktail Finance - The first ERC 1155 Standard Platform On Blockchain


MocktailSwap is the decentralized swap solution from Binance Smart Chain. We provide a platform for creating a fully secure and fast decentralized token exchange system. MocktailSwap Pools allows you to provide liquidity by adding your tokens to a liquidity pool or "LP".

A liquidity provider (LP) adds funds to the liquidity pool. You can think of a Liquid Pool as a large pile of money that can be exchanged with traders. In return for providing liquidity for the logs, LP gets a fee from the transactions that occur in their pool. In the case of Uniswap, LP deposits the equivalent of two tokens - for example 50% ETH and 50% DAI in the ETH / DAI pool.

Are you waiting for everyone to become a market maker? Is it right! It is very easy to add funds to the liquidity pool. Prices are determined by the protocol. For example, Uniswap v2 charges a fee of 0.3% for traders who immediately open LP. Other platforms or forks may charge less in order to attract more liquidity providers to their pool.

Why is it important to attract liquidity? Due to the way AMM works, the less liquidity there is in the pool, the less slippage that can lead to large orders. This, in turn, can attract more volume to the platform, etc.


Slip issues vary depending on AMM design but must be considered. Remember that prices are determined by an algorithm. It is easy to determine how much the ratio between tokens in the liquid pool will change after the transaction. If the ratio changes due to a large difference, a large slip occurs.

Suppose you want to buy all ETH in the ETH / DAI pool from Uniswap. You can't! You'll have to pay exponentially higher and higher premiums for each additional ether, but you can never buy the entire batch. Why? This is because the formula x * y = k. If x or y is zero, which means there is no ETH or DAI in the set, the equation no longer makes sense.

But that's not the full story of AMM and the liquidity pool. There is another thing you need to consider when providing liquidity to AMM - volatile losses.

Liquidity Pool and Adding Liquidity in MocktailSwap


When you add your tokens to the liquidity pool (LP), you will receive FLIP tokens (MocktailSwap's version of tokens from liquidity providers).

For example, if you deposit $ MOK and $ BNB in liquidity, you will receive FLIP MOK-BNB tokens.The number of FLIP tokens received corresponds to your share of the MOK-BNB liquidity pool. You can also redeem your money at any time by erasing your liquidity.

Providing liquidity is not without risk as you may face permanent losses. Simply put, volatile losses are the difference between storing tokens in AMM and storing them in your wallet. "- Nate Hindman

It's not all bad for liquidity providers as you also get a reward in the form of trading fees. When someone trades at MocktailSwap, the trader pays a fee of 0.2%, of which 0.17% is added to the liquidity pool of the swap pairs they have traded.

As an example:


• There are 10 FLIP tokens representing 10 MOK and 10 BNB tokens.

• 1 FLIP token = 1 MOK + 1 BNB

• Someone swaps 10 MOK for 10 BNB.

• The other person exchanges 10 BNB for 10 MOK.

• MOK / BNB liquidity pool now includes 10,017 MOK and 10,017 BNB.

• Each FLIP token now costs 1,00017 MOK + 1,00017 BNB.

To be more useful as a liquidity provider, you can also include your FLIP tokens by increasing profitability on the MOK farm while earning a reward of 0.17% of the trading fee.

The term liquidity is used to define the ability to sell or buy an asset without having a material impact on the market price. It also has to do with the idea of how easy it is to convert assets into fiat currency. Assets or assets that are difficult to convert into cash are not liquid, whereas those that can be immediately converted are considered liquid assets. And one can do transactions in MoctailSwap through liquidity pools.

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Username Bitcointalk: Soetikno

Bitcointalk Profile Links:;u=897955

ETH Address: 0x255C32732A993A46E70Bd947b1963cE97224A469

Minggu, 16 Mei 2021

MocktailSwap is a decentralized exchange solution for the Binance Smart Chain.


About Mocktails

Mocktail Token is MocktailSwap's first semi-fungible token. Mocktail Finance is an AMM protocol that combines multi-strategy yield optimization on the low cost / slip Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that also provides aggregation via vault compounding, borrowing, and yield gain for maximum returns.


MocktailSwap is a decentralized exchange solution on the Binance Smart Chain. We provide a platform to create a fully secure and fast decentralized token exchange system.


The stable placement of your assets with little or no loss is not permanent
Automatic results and optimally optimized
Complete Decentralization
The MOK token economy is fully governance-based



Swapping is the process of exchanging one token to another, on the same platform. Swapping is done at minimal cost for liquidity providers, who have provided liquidity to the pool.


Yield farming is a way to generate more crypto with your crypto. This involves you lending your funds to other people through a miracle computer program called a smart contract.


Liquidity is a measure of the ease with which an asset can be converted to another asset without affecting its price. In simple terms, liquidity describes how quickly and easily an asset can be bought or sold.


A betting pool is a group of coin holders who pool their resources to increase their chances of validating blocks and receiving prizes. They combine their staking power and share the prize in proportion to their contribution to the pool.

What is Binance Smart Chain (BSC)?
In very simple terms, why would we want to drive a slower car that costs more? We're all about gamification, so we wanted to maximize the feedback loop to earn, stake, and earn again: BSC's superior speed and considerably lower transaction fees allow us to do this.
While the BSC may not have the level of adoption that Ethereum has at the moment, we believe in Binance's capabilities and the drive to do very well in the future. 


Complete Site Rework
  • New homepage
  • Personal dashboard
  • Improved UX
  • Faster site
  • Mobile friendly
  • New navigation system

MUG Strike
  • MUG Strike
  • Core Group
  • Community Bundles: Host BSC community pool projects, support with 0.1-0.2x MOK farm

Other Future Products 
  • Voting (core features)
  • IFO (Initial Farm Offering): Raise funds for your project in MOK-BNB LP tokens. After exchanging LP tokens, BNB is distributed to the project and the MOK is burned.
  • Analytics (core features)
  • Lending & Borrowing: Borrowing and borrowing BSC and LP - MOK tokens provide discounted rates
  • Margin Trading: Trade BSC tokens with on-chain leverage - buy back MOK and burn periodically
  • NFT Ecosystem: Money printing, commerce and more - all paid for in MOK
  • The first NFT round
  • NFT-based gamification: Complete tasks, level up, etc. To get NFT - use MOK to print
  • Binary Options
  • Fixed Term Staking
  • Customizable User Profiles


MOK is a token launched by Mocktail which will act as a token that keeps the platform running. MOK is based on the ERC-1155 token standard, which is a standard token and a new type of decentralized application in Mocktail Finance. MOK is built on the Binance smart chain, which is known to be faster, safer and lower costs. It is a semi-replaceable token, meaning that it can be owned by multiple addresses, and multiple copies of each token can be owned by a single address.

Private Selling

Block Start: Unannounced

Starting Time: 1 APR, 2021 17:00 UTC

End Time: 2 APR, 2021 17:00 UTC

Soft Cap: 500,000 MOK

Hard Hat: 1,500,000 MOK

Supply in Circulating: 0 MOK

Private Sales: 1,500,000 MOK

Min. Investment: 0.01 BNB

Max. Investment: 100 BNB

Initial Token Distribution:

5% Tim

7.5% Bounty & Marketing Campaign

12.5% ​​Ecosystem

75% Private Sales

Mining Token Distribution:

25% Stake

37.5% Burning

37.5% Farming


Minggu, 09 Mei 2021

Mocktail token is the first semi-swappable mocktail token swap


ERC 1155 Standard

Semi-Fungible Token (SFT)

A standard interface for contracts that manage multiple token types. A single deployed contract may include any combination of fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens or other configurations.

About Mocktail

Mocktail Token is the first semi-fungible token of MocktailSwap. Mocktail Finance is an AMM protocol that incorporates multi-strategy yield optimizing on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with low fees/slippage that also provides aggregation through vault compounding, lending and yield generation for maximum returns.

MocktailSwap is the decentralized swap solution on Binance Smart Chain. We provide a platform to create completely secured and fast decentralized token swaping system.

- Stable positioning of your assets with little to no impermanent loss

- Automated, maximally optimized yield

- Complete Decentralization

- A fully governance-based MOK token economy


Private Sale Details

Starting Block : #6194146

Starting Time : APR 1, 2021 17:00 UTC

Ending Time : APR 2, 2021 17:00 UTC

Soft Cap : 500,000 MOK

Hard Cap : 1,500,000 MOK

Circulating Supply : 1,500,000 MOK

Private Sale : 1,500,000 MOK

Min. Investment : 0.01 BNB

Max. Investment : 50 BNB

Exchange Rate: 1 MOK = 0.004 BNB

Raised: 65 BNB

BUSD Raised: $ 2260

Total Holders: 40

We Accept: BNB , BUSD

Initial Token Distribution

Mining Token Distribution

How It Works?

It’s a new Ethereum token standard on Binance Smart Chain and a new type of dapp on Mocktail Finance!

The ERC-1155 token standard provides a way to make one smart contract govern almost an unlimited number of tokens — technically, 2²⁵⁶ token types with up to 2²⁵⁶ copies of each.

Additionally, each token is semi-fungible. Unlike ERC-721 non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which can only be owned by one address each.

Semi-fungible means:

- Each token type can be owned by multiple addresses

- One address can own multiple copies of each token.


Swapping is the process of swapping one token to another, on the same platform. Swapping is done with a minimal fees for the liquidity provider, that has provided liquidity to the pool. Read more


Liquidity is a measure of the ease at which an asset can be converted to another asset without affecting its price. In simple terms, liquidity describes how quickly and easily an asset can be bought or sold. Read more


Yield farming is a way to make more crypto with your crypto. It involves you lending your funds to others through the magic of computer programs called smart contracts. Read more


A staking pool is a group of coin holders merging their resources to increase their chances of validating blocks and receiving rewards. They combine their staking power and share the rewards proportionally to their contributions to the pool. Read more


Development timeline of the concept.

MocktailSwap is decentralized swap platform running on Binance Smart Chain. Join the network of decentralized exchange, and swap your tokens in MocktailSwap:


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Telegram Group -

Discord Official Server -

Medium :

Reddit :





Username Bitcointalk: Soetikno

Bitcointalk Profile Links:;u=897955

ETH Address: 0x255C32732A993A46E70Bd947b1963cE97224A469

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