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Sabtu, 03 November 2018

VENDIO : Next Generation Video Advertising Platform

Hello everyone, in this new post I want to introduce the VENDIO project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:
The Next Generation In Video Advertising
Vendio is a next-generation video advertising platform based on artificial intelligence connecting ads specifically targeted to match what is being viewed on-screen
Vendio's Video Interactive Platform (VIP) bridges the communication gap between publisher content, viewer interest and the advertiser by seamlessly connecting relevant ads to the publisher’s media being consumed by the viewer.
The Newest Application for video advertising
The Video Interactive Platform (VIP) bridges the communication gap between publisher content, viewer interest and the advertiser by connecting relevant ads to the publisher’s media being consumed by the viewer. The method used to do so is what differentiates Vendio from any other advertising instrument currently available today.
Prototype Demo
Proprietary tagging Algorithm
Vendio implements a proprietary tagging algorithm appended to a piece of video content at specific times during a specific video duration, selected by the publisher. These tags accurately describe the visual content being displayed during the specific duration of time selected. The data within the tags and asset information is then shared with potential advertisers of the publisher’s choice, who then select the best advertisement to match the specific content tagged by the publisher.
Real-Time Analytics
Vendio’s analytics provide in-depth data for both the publisher and advertiser via the platform dashboard. Every publisher and advertiser are also given a VENDI Score used to gauge how successful each publisher and advertiser is in relation to their content.
The Video Interactive Platform (VIP) utilizes VendiCoins – VENDI tokens to feed all in-app and on-site transactional processes. VENDI tokens are at the epicenter of the Platform. No payment or transaction can be conducted without VENDI, which is regulated by smart-contracts. VENDI tokens are used by and directly benefit all parties involved.
VendiCoins are purpose-built Coins using the Vendio platform that will allow members to use engage in all in-app functions. VendiCoins are utilities tokens which give rights and privileges to their owners when using the Vendio platform and its services. VendiCoins are not securities. VendiCoins are available at a discount during the ICO & Pre-ICO events. Any unsold coins during the ICO will be burned.
  • 25%
    STAGE 1 (pre)
    $25,000 min.
    September 15, 2018 – September 25, 2018
  • 15%
    STAGE 2 (pre)
    $10,000 min.
    September 25, 2018 – October 03, 2018
  • 10%
    STAGE 3 (pre)
    $100 min.
    October 03, 2018 – October 08, 2018
  • 5%
    STAGE 4
    50 token min.
    October 08, 2018 – October 10, 2018
  • 2.5%
    STAGE 5
    50 token min.
    October 10, 2018 – October 20, 2018
50 token min.
October 20, 2018 – November 10, 2018
1 VENDI = $0.20
The VendiCrew
You can find out more about the platform or participate in their crowd sales through the following links:

Author of article:

ETHEREUM WALLET0x20972209f08119939816158a1417b6E9c11Cd010

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